Flower war.

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The avengers were getting their stuff ready. They were packing for an entire week. Bruce was borrowing lots of T-shirts because he Knew he was going to hulk out a lot.

Then they were off. You had slept very little that night. Your back was giving you so much pain it prevented you from sleeping.

You changed into some comfortable clothes. A sweater and a pair of jogging pants.

You walked into the living room for the first time, it was empty.

You walked towards the kitchen. You started making pancakes. It was rather an enjoyable experience. Pepper had lent the book to you so that you could prepare some things for Steve.

You made a dozen pancakes. Then you started to work on a French speciality: baguette.

You slowly worked the mix. When you were finished you grabbed a large platter that Tony used to serve drinks and put the Pancakes on it, the baguette, a glass of orange juice and an apple.

You slowly walked into Steve's room. He was still asleep.

You put the platter next to his bed and scribbled on a note. "I am just outside of you need me. - (y/n) "

You grabbed a chair from the living room and sat there. After ten minutes you started to get bored. You stood and looked for a library. You suddenly had an idea: "Mam'? Jarvis?"

"Yes miss."

"Does Stark have a library?"

"I believe he does."

"May you direct me to the element in question?"

Jarvis gave you directions to the library. You hands hovered over the handle for a few seconds. Did they still have books? Were they in Latin like they used to? Could you read their handwriting?

You decided to go and discover yourself rather than relying on a AI for information. The door creek open revealing a huge library.

"Now he's bragging."

You searched the shelves for anything but the problem was everything was appealing to you. You could pick up a book that talked about local taxes you would stare at it for hours in wonder.

You decided grab something that could be useful especially thanks to your memory incredible capacity.

You grabbed a medical book. On its title was engraved in golden letters 'ALL KNOWN SICKNESSES Including treatments and symptoms.'

You walked back to your chair and started reading the book.

You had arrived only 30 pages through when you heard Steve's voice.

"(Y/n)? You there?"

"I'm here."

"Can you come in?"

You judged it rather improper that you entered a man's chambers of you weren't his wife although you had entered before to give him his breakfast.

"Sure" you opened the door revealing a pale Steve.

You dragged your chair and your book into the room. And placed them on Steve's right.

"The teams gone out. They got to get the serum and my healing abilities back."

"Your healing abilities?"

"Yeah. But well..."

"That's not the problem?"

"No. My old wounds are starting to reappear."

You showed him your left hand. In the middle was a long white scar.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now