Annoying (not estate) agents

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The date was a strange idea. But you bet you could enjoy yourself. First things first though, you had to find a t-shirt that did not show the entire lower half of your stomach. You grabbed a bill. You had collected some after your recent missions with SHIELD. Or it was more Steve who collected it for you since you were well  in a rather 'difficult' situation. If difficult is the word for electro shock followed by a three day long sleep.

You crossed Bucky outside and asked: "Tell Steve I'm going shopping for a new shirt."

He nodded and tried to walk past you. You grabbed his right arm, he winced at your touch. "Bucky?" You asked. He looked at you in the eyes. His were bloodshot, screaming for sleep.

"Is your arm okay? Can I get you some medicine while I am out?" 

He shook his head no and walked back inside. You shrugged: Not much of a talker? You decide you would get some medicine. If he didn't want it he could just give it to Steve. 

You walked down the street, carefully putting your hair in front of your face to avoid recognition. You also slid your hoddy's hood up. You walked in a straight line so that you would be sure not to get lost. You just walked for about five minutes before you found a boutique. Shirts. All over. Hoddies as well.

You walked around the shop and stopped when you heard the noise of the box filled with light commonly known as 'television'. 

It was the news. What could your eye was your photo. Yours in your stained red t-shirt holding Steve up and walking. Steve's head was cut by the side of the television. This didn't happen. You went through your memories since you never forgot anything.

Agents. Steve shot. Fight. Black out. Shoulder. Knife. walk. You tried to concentrate on the 'walking factor'. You paced the ten minutes in review in your head and only stopped and cursed yourself when you noticed a small woman holding up a rectangular object and a light beaming from it an upon your face. It had lasted less than a second you hadn't even bothered to notice it.

The voice continued talked but to avoid looking suspicious you strolled around the shop.

"These people are highly dangerous and potentially armed. Do not approach. Call police immediately."

You clenched your teeth. You spotted a shirt: It was one with an american flag or what you thought it would look like because it was everywhere. Official buildings, news, shows; everywhere. You held it up to eye-line. You folded it in two and walked to the front desk. You lay the shirt on the counter and grabbed money from your purse. 

The man at the desk gasp, no doubt realising who you were. Without flinching you answered in a hushed voice: "Fifty dollars if you don't call the police."

He nodded and you placed the money on the counter for the shirt and the silence then you whispered once more: "For the record, I'm on your side. I think this country could forgive  a person who was brainwashed and had to murder."

He nodded. You walked out of the shop as neatly as you walked in. You decided you wanted to go check out the things at the hotel. You started jogging, trying to seem as inconspicuous as you could as you past your original destination. 

You stopped, pretending to be gasping for air when in fact you were merely observing their position. A man, one you had seen on the Helicarrier was present. You got closer to them. 

His voice was smooth and certain as though he was  not in that line of job, he pointed in the direction I came from a.k.a. the direction where our residence was.

"You are all going that way. Sightings indicate they are heading that way. Each of you take a house and check it. Say it's the government. Do what you have to just find them."

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now