Road trip

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You couldn't take the motorcycle, apparently it was too traceable.

Now why a red Ferrari that Bucky had 'borrowed' because Steve,(although an outlaw, still had an annoying tic of obeying the law) with music blasting your ear drums was much better, you didn't know.

You found a music, you propped it into the disc slot. Turns out you all love the song 'Never gonna give you up' from Rick Astley. After the third time it played you all new it by heart and began singing at the top of your lungs.

When the chorus came up you were all half singing/ half giggling along the way.

"Never gonna give you up!" Wow! How has SHIELD not found us yet.

"Never gonna let you down!" Steve and Bucky were singing low but still not as low as the original singer.

You laughed and tried to sing as low as you could to match the boys's voices. It turned out fine just a little bit weird:

"Never gonna run around and desert you." You all pointed forwards, including Steve who was driving. You were just having a blast. You sang until the song ended although Bucky kept on singing.

You sat back down in the back of the 'ferrari' that apparently was Bucky's dream car and we had to borrow it. You enjoyed seeing two buddies met up after a long time apart. They were nudging each other and smiling and goofing around like kids would. It's nice to be a kid sometimes.

After five minutes you were starting to get bored.

"How much longer?" you asked in adult like voice that quickly turned into a whimper. Bucky looked out of the car and observed the city as he answered: "It could be ten  minutes, it could be an hour. Depends on the traffic."

"okay: so I have some questions?" 

"Yep." They both answered simultaneously

You giggled and answered: "Since when do you two know each other and from where?"

"Since we were kids...." Steve said and Bucky finished his sentence by adding: "In Brooklyn"

Your face twisted into a frown. You knew America was newly discovered. Was Brooklyn another continent or a country within the continent or was it a parcel of land or was it just a nickname for a place? You swallowed as though trying to absorb the information although you weren't content with the answer. Steve seemed to able to understand your sense of dissatisfaction as he added: "America."

"So I got the fact that America is a new continent. Where is it? South, east north or west of Europe?"

"Both west and east from the way you look at it."

"How can it be both?" You asked Steve since Bucky was busy tracing  a route.

"The earth is round."

You fell back in your seat and gave an cry. "What now?"

"The earth isn't flat like you thought. It's round. It looks flat but it's round."

"Than how is it the people at the bottom of the earth don't fall off?"

"They just hang on really tightly." You frowned as Steve laughed and answered again, correctly this time:

"There is such a thing as gravity witch is the force that drags you to the ground."

You kissed his check and answered: "Makes sense. I always wondered if everyone was wrong about that. Is there such a thing as a Mrs. America? I mean there is a captain America? Why wouldn't there be a Mrs. America?"

He blushed: "I guess that just be who I marry because, no, there isn't a Mrs. America."

You sat back down. Steve took a few turns in the vehicle and parked it ten streets away from our destination for safety.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now