The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened Part 2

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I think I should stop trying to give you false hope on how long I'm going to take on this.... I am probably the least reliable person ever but i think it is still a good read. All applies from the first ones! Please Enjoy!

Draco paced back and forth in the dormitory. "Harry can speak parseltounge, Harry can speak parseltounge.What does that mean?" He thought to himself. "This must be great for our relationship. If I'm a Slytherin and he's the heir of Slytherin, then that means we could be together right?"  He glanced out the window and saw the moon creeping across the sky. "Who am I kidding!?" He shouted at the moon. "If Harry were the heir, there would be no way he would ever be in Gryffindor!" He sat down and took off his shoes. "Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way." 

The next day he got up and decided he would speak to Harry alone. He quickly got dressed and went in to the common room; chatter was already ablaze. He sat down and helped himself to the breakfast treats set down on the table. He leaned over to get into a conversation with other house members seated nearby.

 "You're in the same class as Harry right?" A fourth year asked. Draco nodded. "I would hate to be in the same class as a ignorant imbecile who thinks just because he can speak parseltounge, he's the top of the pack," the fourth year sneered. A group of his friends laughed behind them.

 Draco tried to shake away the anger he felt and responded, "There are some real idiots out there who think Harry is the heir of Slytherin. A Gryffindor the heir of a Slytherin?" He laughed.

 "Its not just the fact that he's a Gryffindor," a girl walked up to them. "Its the fact that he's so much of an idiot, that even knowing how to write his own name would be a challenge!" Laughter echoed throughout the room. "Listen to me Draco," she said as she sat next to him. "Even if you happen to be seated next to him in class, don't let one word of his pass through your mind or you will be tainted with stupidity."

Draco got up and stuttered over what to say. "I- I gotta go um... get my er... wand..." He ran up the staircase and heard murmurs of confusion behing him echoed throughout the room. He reached to shut the door and saw Crabbe and Goyle laying on their bed.

 "Oh hey Draco!" Goyle waved. "What's up?"

Draco shouted "GET OUT!" and slammed the door in their faces.

"So I can't tell a single person that I like Harry without being ridiculed by everyone else." Draco sighed. "The only way we'll ever be able to have a relationship is in secret. Our chances keep getting slimmer and slimmer." He got up and opened the door to find Crabbe and Goyle standing dumbstruck outside. "Sorry, I have issues with people watching me change." Draco was wearing the same clothes as he was wearing before but Crabbe and Goyle believed him anyways. "I'm going to go for a walk alone, okay?" He asked.

 "Sure Draco," They nodded as they walked him out into the corridor.

Draco walked along the long and winding paths aroung Hogwarts' campus debating on whether he should still persue Harry or if he should give up. He felt a chill in the air and looked up at the first snowfall of the year.

 "It's beautiful." Draco turned to find a tangled mess of black hair standing a few feet in front of him.

"Harry!" He shouted.

 "Oh, its you," Harry started to walk away.

"Wait," Draco said desperately. Hary paused. "I-I wanted to appologize for everything I did before. I know you may not want to forgive me, but I just can't stand someone as good as you not being with upper class people." Harry turned to face Draco directly.

 "Theres more to people than wealth and class!" He said angrily. Draco looked away.

"I-I just want the best for you Harry," he said nervously.

"I'll accept your appology," Harry stated as he walked back toward school.

Draco beamed as he looked back up at the sky. "Although I am not yet near a relationship with him, he no longer has a bitter taste in his mouth when he sees me.

Please give me critiques or suggestions on what to do next! I always love feedback and what better place than here eh? Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2011 ⏰

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