The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened Part 1

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Second part to my Drarry story. All applies from the first one.

Sorry for the delay, I had issues starting it. I will do my best post quicker in the future! This year is split in to two parts based on the length of it. It would take forever to come out if I did it in one.                     

Draco lay awake anxiously, as the night rolled on. "Tommorow's the day!" he said to himself cheerfuly. "The day I go back to school." Draco looked at the clock to determine how much time had gone by since he last checked it; to his despair, only one minute had passed. "Why must time move quickly when you want to savor it, but slowly when to want to hurry it?" Unable to stay in his bed any longer, he walked down the large staircase to the door that lead outside. Along the path of the garden that surrounded his giant mansion, Draco found refuge to vent his emotions in peace. It was on this path, he had confronted his feelings about Harry, and it is along this path he awaits his return to him. Gazing up at the moon, he felt his eyelids feel heavy as he layed down upon the freshly cut grass.

"GET UP!" Draco's father yelled at him. "YOUR CLOTHES ARE FILTHY!" He picked up Draco by his shirt collar and sent him directly at Dobby the house elf with the only directions, "GET HIM READY!" Dobby nervously attended to Draco, flinching at every movement Draco had made. Dobby dropped to his knees when he accidentaly dropped Draco's robes, but Draco was too entranced in excitement to notice. After Dobby had finished, Draco stood next to his father as they apparated to Diagon Alley to get his school supplies.

 In the bookstore he saw Harry and raced foreward to greet him, but stopped shortly in his tracks as he saw he was accompanied by the Weaslys once more. Once again Anger spouted through him like the blood in his veins, and he found himself insulting Harry and Ron once more. He felt so angry that the Weasly boy had caused him to insult Harry; he was just about to pull out his wand and start to duel with him right there. He felt a cool hand in his chest and looked up to see his own father pushing him back. Using his father's entry as a means of escape, the went outside and took in a deep breath. "Back to old habits again," he sighed. "Even after I swore to myself I wouldn't let the Weasly boy get to me."

After reaching the train station, Draco immediatly found himself searching for Harry. He looked through all the awaiting students, but there was still no Harry. He began to search quicker and more frantic and each time he looked he still saw no Harry. Before he knew it, the final whistle blew on the Hogwarts express and he reluctantly boarded with his fellow Slytherin mates. He slumped down in the first empty seat he could find, and forced himself in to a well needed slumber.

 He was awoken by the loud whistle symbolizing that the train had stopped. He quickly changed in to his robes and was the last person out. He started to look for Harry but was immediatly rushed in to the Great Hall. He sat down next to Crabbe and Goyle, the two idiots he met on the train last year, and began listening to Dumbledor's usual welcoming speech. The first years were places in their houses; Slytherin had gained and outstanding ten new members. The feast began and he angrily took a bite out of the first thing he could find, Crabbe began to open his mouth but decided against it from the glance Draco had given him. After the feast, Draco stormed out the door into the dormitory and immedatly locked the door behind him. "I couldn't get a single glance of him! Not one!" He yelled. "He now has the bitterness of out last encounter permanently etched in his mind! How will I ever make up for that!!" He heard the footsteps of the rest of the slytherins filing in to the common room and he unlocked the door. "How do they get him, when one of my status does not?!" He yelled once more as he plopped down on his bed.

The next day was filled with gossip about Harry's arrival at school. Draco had asked about fifty people and each one was different from all the rest. Some said Harry had gotten in a fight. Some said Harry has been expelled, but they all said that Harry had flew here in a magic car with the Weasly kid. "That Weasly kid again," He said angrily. "He always gets in my way! And that mudblood he's always with too!" He bit his tounge; he saw people staring. "What have I done?" he thought to himself.

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