Big big relevations

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Mirajane's POV:

Me and Laxus are just normally talking and I see him struggling a bit so I start worrying.
-Um Laxus , is everything OK ?
-Yeah , its just that ....
-What ???
-I need to ask u something .
-What do u need to ask me.
-I kinda have a crush on someone from the guild and its her birthday in two weeks and I need help planing a surprise party and stuff.
-who is you're crush , is it someone I know?
-Yup u know the person real good.

After a while of planning and stuff Laxus left and I was happy because I had a new mystery OTP .

Romeo's POV:
While Laxus was coming out I could not help but come out of our little hiding place to go laugh at Laxus.

- Wow Laxus I never knew that u could actually show emotions towards humans.
-Romeo what are u doing here?
-Oh nothing just here seeing how u drool over Mirajane and act like if u like someone else ?
-First of all I'm not acting like if I did not like Mirajane I'm really don't like Mirajane more then a friend.
-Yeah if that's true who is that certain girl u like from the guild
-Um well... Wait why should I tell u ?
-Well I can give three good reasons first everyone knows that u have been hanging out whit Mira allot and I could easily confirm that u like her and that u two r secretly dating second of all I can also have some photos for proof and third that could pretty much work as a backup plan is that I'm not the only witness if not that I have a person whit me that is just as thrust wordy as she looks.

At that Wendy came out of our little hiding place and when she saw Laxus whit his yaw dropped and wide eyes she started laughing and she even fell down.
- OK then I will tell u just because I have no other choice and I guess I need someone else that is not Mira to help me.
-Well who is it.
-Before I tell u shouldn't we help Wendy first because if we don't she might faint.

At that point Wendy was completely red and almost out of breath she was even crying because of her laughter.
We helped her up and finally got her to stop laughing.

-OK Laxus Wendy's not dying of laughter anymore , I gave u good reasons and I also gave u some time to breath and think it out so answer... Who do u like.
- OK OK I like Mirajane but I don't want her to find out and I'm trying to plan a surprise party for her birthday but I don't know what r some things she likes and that's why I need someone like Wendy to talk to her and find out what r the things she likes and stuff. And bye I have to leave now.

After that Laxus left running while blushing madly.

-Um Wendy do u think he will actually pull this off
-I actually think he might be able to pull of planning a party.
-No I mean the part of him hiding hiz crush on Mira.
- Oh in that case I'm not Shure.

Hey my people I hope u liked the chapter and also sorry for the late update I've had allot of boring school work and homework and yeah remember to comment or like or follow and I'm planning to make a ask Levi book so if u want to start sending questions or suggestions then who am I to stop u but please no lemons or anything now I will to do something else cause I want to and I'm bored.

Peace out ✌ :
-Mystical rainbow ( or just call me mysti I don't care )

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