Trouble: part 1

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Welp... Hey.... I'm back... Okay you can now massacre author-chan for not updating in ages.... But I'll explain why after the chappy


Wendy's POV:

It was a normal day in the guild. Natsu and gray were fighting,
Levy-chan was reading while jet and Droy were fawning over her, Romeo was watching Natsu fight , trying to get into the battle but failing because his father would hold him back; and I was sitting whit Lucy-nee and
Erza-san. But that all changed once the guild doors slammed open by a girl that looked around my age.

She was actually very pretty... No wait beautiful... She had long hair that went from white to pink to purple and some very nice eyes... They were sorta silver yet when the light reflected on them... They were green? Truly amazing... But wait who was she...?

"Lucy... Do you know who she is?"

"No, maybe we should ask her"


We walked up to the girl, but something... Didn't feel right...

"Hello I'm Lucy and this is my frowns Wendy. Are you new here?"

"Yeah actually. I wanted to see if there was any possibility of me joining."

At that moment a very excited Mirajane took the girl, shouting on about how she was so pretty and all the things that those two could do together whenever she's officially back in the guild.

Romeo's POV:

As I was talking to Natsu Mirajane passed by us causing me to fall.


The voice didn't seem familiar... Nor the girl who practically launched herself next to me.

"Don't worry I'm fine but who may you be?"

"Oh my name is Loren Eve, im new here"

"Cool, so what magic do you use?"

"I'm a... AGH"

just as she was about to tell me she got dragged away by Mira again. But I gotta admit there something different about her... She's a special one alright....

Loren's POV:

Hehe my plans working out so far... Soon I'll have you wrapped around my finger Romeo-kun and when I do... I'll make you annihilate your precious little dragon slayer so you can be mine... ONLY MINE!


I updated... Finally.

So I've been gone for quite a while

That's no mystery but yeah it's just schools been killing me, plus some life problems aside but whateva I'll be trying to update more often anyways...

Omg 985 views

I never expected to this story to get any farther than what... 20, 30 views but apparently I was off by a few

Thank chu guyz sooooooo much

I wuv chu all and I promise I'll update as soon as possible

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