So, I'm participating in a countdown to 2016. Basicly, (if you sign up,) you are assigned a date to create a festive-themed phan related creation that can be anything from a fic to a phan playlist! (More details on blog and on sign up doc.) I'm doing a One-Shot, and I'm posting it in the One-Shots book, and it will be the best thing. I have ever. Written. Ever.
If this sounds like fun to you, go HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zchIe91r8vNiI5QZu8pep2nhgoqQwuyI6b_tE4yGE1U/viewform
There's no limit on places, so have fun and follow the Countdown blog HERE: http://phandomcountdown.tumblr.com/
Just so everyone knows, the signups end on November 15th! We'll be assigning everyone days on the 16th, so that everyone has at least two weeks to make their creation.
Also I've been listen to Drag Me Down on repeat for the past four hours and I don't even listen to 1D very much =P
It's a good song tho
Blog Of The Hopeless Lost Phan Girl
De TodoBasically just a series of short clips of my life you probably only care about because we share interests. But it gon be k.