Sexually Ambiguous

27 1 8

When I was trick or treating with my friends, (Yes, I trick-or-treat, judge me I don't care.), thinking all was well and I (finally) figured out my sexuality. I'm asexual and demiromantic, so I don't care for sex while I love spooning and cuddling people I already have a strong bond with. Plus I judge people romantically for their personality, not gender or appearance, but I have no clue what the name for that is.

So, I was happy and stuff, until we came to this house and we were greeted by possibly the most attractive guy ever. Well, guy my age, he was probably a bit older than me though. He had the sweetest smile and dimples that extracted all the sunlight in the world. And I WAS SO CONFUSED CAUSE I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY AND YET I WAS SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO HIM. 

He sorta looked like a mini Troye Sivan with curly hair.... 

That's not the point though. 

The point is, I thought I knew my sexuallity for certain but then Mr. dIMPLE BOY JUST HAD TO GO AND FUCK UP THAT IDEA.

*turns around and facepalms* UUUGGGRRAAGG

What happened was he told my two friends they could have two pieces, and I accidentally took three so I put one back but then one of my friends said (slightly loudly) 'Hey! You took three!' and I said "Oh, I put it back" then dimple boy said 'I'm watching you,' then the guy wiNKED AT ME AND SMILED THEN GAVE ME ANOTHER PIECE OF CANDY. And his fucking dimples.... *melts into a puddle of enhancement and confusion*    

Also this morning I woke up spooning my best friend O.o

btw Merry Christmas 

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