Gaara x reader

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Naruto x  reader oneshots!~

Gaara x reader AU!

Hello by Adele

A/N; Good day everyone! Sorry for the long wait but here it is. A story many people have asked for and since I'm obsessed with this song, so here you go! Enjoy!

Gaara's POV

I listened to the ringing of the phone. As normal, She didn't pick up. I watched to failing water droplets slide down the window glass. [y/n]'s voice spoke into my ear. Her calm voice apologizing that she couldn't get to the phone at the moment and to call back later. I heard the phone beep, signalling that I could leave a voicemail. I sighed softly before clearing my throat, wiping my eyes.
"hello, it's me." I sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I was wondering if after all these years, you'd like to meet and go over everything." I chuckled as I smirked softly. "I miss your voice, your laugh, your...everything." I stayed silent before speaking once more. "Hello from the other side." Pulling the phone away from my face I pressed the end button. Placing my phone on top of the glass coffee table before rising to my feet. I walked over to the mirror and gazed upon myself and I adjusted my black tie. My brother appeared from the hallway as he walked over, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright?" Kankuro asked, his voice laced with concern. I stayed still and I looked at him through the mirror. I closed my eyes before turning towards him.
"Yeah." I kept my eyes closed, not wanting my brother to see me in this weakened state. My pride hurt as I felt a gentle hand sweep a tear off my cheek. Opening my eyes, I saw both of my siblings. Temari caressed my cheek using her thumb to wipe my tears. Tilting my head, I nuzzled into her hand. Temari has always had a way of soothing me.
"You think you'll be able to go Gaara?" Temari asked softly, as she continued to stroke my cheek with her thumb. Nodding my head, I look straight into her eyes. Pulling back, I grabbed my car keys before Temari handed them to Kankuro. As we walked out of the apartment we climbed into my vehicle. Kankuro drove, as my sister and I sat in the back seat. I stared out of the window as Temari held my hand.
My mind filled with images of her, of [y/n]. Her laugh, echoing in my mind. I imagined running my fingers through her [h/l] [h/c] hair. I imagined her voice speaking sweet words to me as a memory appeared in my mind. It was of us together, the day I asked her to be mine.

"Gaara? why are we out here so late?" She chuckled as I continued to guide her through the woods. It was later in the evening, and the sun had begun its descent into the horizon. I felt the small box press against my thigh through the fabric of my pocket. My hands quivered slightly as my nerves got the better of me. There opened up to a clearing. There in the center lay a blanket. Surrounded by lit candles. Upon the blanket sat a basket, and a pair of wine glasses. Turning to look at her face, She gasped softly as she admired the scene. "Oh Gaara!~" She giggled sweetly. We walked over to the blanket, and taking a seat. Reaching into the basket, I pulled out a bottle of red wine. After pouring a glass, I handed it to [y/n]. I admired how her lips placed against the glass when she took a sip.
"Gaara, this place is beautiful." She swooned before turning towards the many shades of pink sky as the sun had continued with it's descent. As she was distracted with the sky I reached into my pocket, pulling out the box. Clearing my throat, I watched her turn around as I opened the lid to the little box.
"[y/n] I-" I was instantly cut of with a pair of lips as I smirked softly. I felt her arms wrap around my neck before she pulled back as I stared into her [e/c] eyes.

I was shaken from this memory by the voice of my sister. Looking around we had arrived at the funeral home. Climbing out, I felt my heart clench in my chest as we walked inside. The room was well lit but shaded with the emotion of sadness. I took my sister's hand and I felt my body quiver as we approached the dark oak coffin. I closed my eyes once more as I stood beside it. Once more I saw a memory flash in my mind.

"Are your nervous Gaara" I heard Kankuro whisper in my ear as a cheesy smile grazed his face. My body shook slightly with adrenaline. looking towards my brother I smirked.
"How could I not be Kankuro. I'm getting married." I continued to smirk softly as I fixed my black tie.
The time came as the pews filled with guests. Butterflies bustled wildly as I stuffed my hands inside my pockets to keep from shaking. I could feel the claminess of my hands as my nerves began to get the better of me. The sound of music filled my ears and the bride's maids began to walk down the aisle with my groom's men. Naruto escorting Hinata, Sai escorting Ino, and last Shikamaru escorting my elder sister Temari. Then there she was, my bride to be. Her dress while white as snow, complimented herr [s/c]. I felt my heart melt inside my chest. I stared at her in awe as I admired my wife to be. there was a flash as the memory skipped forward.
"I do." she spoke so perfectly as I gazed lovingly into her eyes. The next few words spoken by the priest were mumbled before I heard 'you may kiss the bride.' Quickly I grasped her cheeks in the palm of my hands, pulling her into a passionate kiss. I heard the crowd cheer loudly as we parted from our first kiss as husband and wife.

I slowly opened my eyes ending the memory. There she laid, her face pale and lifeless. I lightly squeezed my sister's hand as I tried to hold back my emotions. In reality I wanted to yell and scream, cause a huge scene. I wanted to be a huge wreck. I felt Temari turn me until I was facing her, before pulling me into her arms. I could feel the familiar feeling of a tear roll down my cheek as I nuzzled into her. She hummed softly as she stroked my hair. Pulling back I wiped my face.
"She loved you so much Gaara." Temari spoke as she watched my expression. lowering my head I wiped my eyes once more.
"I miss her so much." I spoke, my voice quivering as I was hold back my wailing by a thread.
The rest of the service went by agonizingly long. Near the end I helped carry my wife to the hearse. I tried my best to keep my composure.

-several months later on your birthday-

Pulling up to the graveyard, I turned off the engine to my vehicle. Reaching into the seat beside me, I grabbed the bouquet of [favorite flower] before climbing out. Entering the rusted iron gates of the cemetery. Clenching the bouquet as I approached her headstone.
"[f/n] [l/n]
She lived like no other,
and was loved by all."

I squated down laying the flowers against the stone. I gazed down at the solid mass, that marked someone is in the earth. I hoped that she would just appear, laughing about her pranking me. We would laugh and kiss loving that she was back in my embrace. But she wasn't. She was buried six feet under. Her body slowly decaying. I felt tears stream down my face as I became a sobbing mess.
"I love you [y/n]. I love you so much." I whimpered softly as I closed my eyes, another memory appearing in my mind.

I was in my office as my job, working on my paperwork. Knocking was heard on my door as I mumbled a 'come in.' I heard the door opened as I peaked up seeing my wife. Smirking I stood up, walking over to her pulling [y/n] into a warm embrace.
"Gaara, we need to talk." [y/n] said with a worried tone. Pulling back I stared at [y/n] with a concern as we walked over to the couch sitting down. I gently grasped her ringed hand looking directly into her [e/c] orbs. [y/n] took a deep breath, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. My heart pounding inside my chest worriedly. "Gaara, I'm... I'm pregnant." [y/n] spoke quietly. I sat there in shock. [y/n] worried look in her eyes worsened as she began to panic internally. Reaching up I caressed her cheek before leaning in kissing her passionately. I pulled away opening my mouth to speak.
"I'm going to be a father." My smirk grew into a small smile as I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

The memory was covered up and faded away as I opened my eyes again, standing back up. Wiping my eyes of the wet tears.
I reached the iron gates as which I entered, turning around I looked down the path I had previously walked on and...I saw her. [y/n] stood there smiling that loving smile she always had, rubbing her pregnant stomach. She waved her hand before turning and walking further away from me down the path. As I stared at her afraid to blink she faded away into nothing before my eyes.

"I love you."


A/N: HI EVERYONE!!! sooo what did you think?~ please leave a comment with your requests or just leave a comment telling me how you like the story. Anyway until next time guys bye!

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