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A/N: good day everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day my darlings~ Anyway here you go, my personal favorite male from Naruto.

The sun was setting on the horizon as I continued to walk down the still crowded streets of Las Vegas. For this city as the sun went down the city became alive. Men and women getting out ready to hit the clubs as they wear their dancing shoes. Holding my handbag close to my body as I keep my head down. As I passed the many bars I ignore the loud catcalls from the already drunk bastards who wander the street. Feeling the vibration of my phone, I pulled it from my pocket taking notice of a text. Sliding my thumb across the screen, I open the text from Sakura.
Sakura: Hey! r u free?
Y/N: why do you ask?
Sakura: cuz let's go to drink! party!
Y/N: but I just got off work...
Sakura: party pooper! plz?
Y/N: fine...MGM?
Sakura: MGM sounds great me, you, there looking cute. Can I bring a couple of friends along with us?
Y/N; fine...
I pushed my phone back into my pocket before rushing to my apartment to get ready for the night.
I glanced at my phone as the loud music blared loudly in my ears. Leaning against the bar I sighed. "Sakura hurry up." I thought to myself as I turned back around to the crowd. Suddenly I see a flash of pink as Sakura ran over. A small group of people trailing behind her.
"[y/n], nice to see yours here! I want you to meet my friends." She let go of my arm turning back towards her group of people that had followed her into the club. There stood four men and two women. "Guys this is [y/n] we became friends when we were in college. [y/n], this is Naruto, Sasuke my boyfriend, Sai, Hinata Naruto's girlfriend, Ino sai's girlfriend, and last but not least Shikamaru." Sakura smiled happily as she introduced her friends. "Well us couples are going to go dance, Shikamaru keep [y/n] company would cha?" Sakura chuckled as her and her group except Shikamaru went off to the dance floor. The air between Shikamaru and I seemed a bit tense. He cleared his throat before moving closer.
"May I buy you a drink?" Shikamaru asked as if he was being forced to.
"You don't have to if you don't want to Shikamaru," I said before giving him a slight smirk.
"No please allow me," Shikamaru asked before sitting down beside me on a bar stool.
"Well if you insist." I sighed softly before I began to glance at his features. His almond shaped eyes, his onyx black hair tied back into a bun, and his smooth pale features. "He's a decent looking fellow. A decent seven." I thought to myself as I chuckled softly. He glanced over at me before handing me a bottle of beer. "So tell me about yourself Shikamaru," I asked before taking a sip from my bottle.
"I'm not that interesting, to be honest," Shikamaru stated as I watched his eyes glance over my form, before stopping at my [e/c] orbs. For a moment, we stared at each other before I looked down moving a strand of my [h/c] hair behind my ear. "And what about you [y/n], What do you do?" He asked before taking another sip from his own drink.
"I'm not too interesting, I have a simple office job." I chuckled softly. "I'm pretty boring as well."
"Well, you look like an interesting person to me," Shikamaru confessed as he gave a small smirk towards me. A small blush rose to my cheeks as he smirked. His features were quite nice.
"Well thank you." I smiled at him kindly. I turned to look at the crowd of bodies swaying and grinding to the beat of the music. I spot the couples that came with each other bumping and grinding as the bass bombs. I heard Shikamaru clear his throat to get my attention. Turning to look at him he nods his head in the direction of the dancefloor.
"Wanna dance?" He asks as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
"You don't look like the dancing kind of guy," I comment as I rose from my seat.
"Yeah, well I'm just hoping you could show me a few of your dance moves." He chuckled as I grasped his hand guiding him out to the crowd of grinding bodies. The beat blared in our ears as the vibrations from the bass tingle our skin. Once we are in a good spot I turn around to face him as I began to sway my hips to the music, Shikamaru doing the same. Seeing Naruto slowly creep up behind Shikamaru. Suddenly he pushed Shikamaru forward towards me. As he lunged forwards he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. Shikamaru blushed as he stared down at me.
"You okay?" I chuckled as I gazed up into his brown eyes.
"Why don't we get out of here?" Shikamaru suggests before he go of me and grabbed my hand. Nodding my head he guided me out of the booming club.


Opening the door to my apartment I stepped in flipping on the switch. Shikamaru stepped in behind me shutting and locking my front door.
"This is my apartment. would you like anything to-oh!" I couldn't finish my sentence before Shikamaru picked me up from behind carrying me over to the couch, lying me down on my back. Leaning down our lips met in a passionate kiss. after the shock subsided I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down deepening our kiss. Shikamaru's hands rested beside my shoulders, holding himself up. Shikamaru split from our kiss looking down at me with a lustful gaze.
"[y/n]..." He stopped for a moment moving his hand to caress my cheek. His thumb moving back and forth in a soothing manner. My eyelids began to feel heavy before I closed my eyes completely.


I woke to the smell of bacon. The sound of grease popping awoke me. Opening my eyes I sat up rubbing my eyes, smearing on accident, the makeup that I was wearing the previous night. Finally standing up I stretched before making my way towards the bathroom. I removed my makeup then heading towards the smell of cooking pork. Stepping in I was in view of a bareback and...deer boxers? Chuckling softly I gained the attention of the man. Turning his body, he smirked as I saw him wearing my bikini apron.
"Morning," Shikamaru smirked. "I assumed you like bacon and eggs," He said before turning back to the stove.
"Nice boxers," I chuckled once more before hopping up and sitting on the counter near the stove watching him cook. Suddenly the hot grease from the pan popped as droplets of grease splattered a bit onto my bare legs. Flinching as the droplets burned my thigh. "Ow!" I whimpered as I flinched. Shikamaru took the bacon out of the pan placing it on a plate, turned off the stove in a hurry before moving over towards me and kissed the pinkish marks on my thighs. looking up at him he smirked softly
"Better?" He asked before pecking me on the lips. chuckling wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to my form. He rested his hands on my hips as we stared into each other's eyes.
"Better." I fiddled with his black locks as they lay loosely on his shoulders. I admired his handsome features. He lifted his hands off of my hips and grabbed one of my hands from around his neck and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand.
"So, [y/n], why not you be my girlfriend?" Shikamaru asked as he looked into my [e/c] orbs.
"Why not, sure," I stated.


A/N: Alright I would like to apologise for how OOC Shikamaru is, but I tried. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you want to make a request message me personally or leave a comment. anyway until next time, enjoy!~

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