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      I adjusted the glasses that rested on the bridge of my nose. My textbooks spiraled out on my bed as I continued working on a worksheet. Faintly I could hear the sound of drums playing. Then the muffled sound of a voice. Sighing I got up and approached the slight crack window letting in the spring breeze. Leaning on the windowsill I could hear the voices come together in harmony a small smirk crept onto my face as I listened to the harmonic voices. As the song came to an end I leaned back into my room. Moving back over to my bed I shut my textbooks giving up on my homework. Stretching my legs I opened the door to my bedroom and head downstairs. Getting to the front door I slipped on my black toms.
"Bye mom, I have my phone!" I yelled before I left my house. Walking down the steps I made my way over to the neighbor's open garage door. Looking around I the boys lounging around sipping on bottles of water.
"You are so loud you know that?" I teased as I walked up behind Itachi and playfully punches the lead singer's shoulder.
"Damn [y/n] don't have to be so rough with him," Kisume says as he sets down his bass guitar by a speaker. Itachi turned around quickly picking me up and resting me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. Laughing I wiggled in his arms. Konan opened the door to the garage from the house, carrying another case of water setting it down before taking her place at her drums. Itachi set me down as a car pulled into the driveway. The door quickly opened as Sakura jumped out of the vehicle and into Itachi's arms. She was still in her cheer uniform as she locked lips with Itachi. Looking over at Kisume I rolled my eyes before walking over giving him a fist bump. Biting my tongue lightly I sit down next to kisume as Itachi and Sakura part from their kiss.
"So babe, the girls and I are going out tonight, can you bring some of your hot friends with us tonight?" Sakura asks as she keeps her arms wrapped around Itachi's neck.
"Sure, why not," Itachi says with a light smirk. Turning his head he looks over at me. "[y/n] why don't you sneak out and come along too," he suggests. Seeing Sakura's glare I shake my head.
"Love to but I can't you know how my mother is. She would kill me if she found out I snuck out." I state crossing my arms.
"Oh [y/n], I didn't realize you were here," Sakura says with a monotone voice. As she glares. Only just a week ago did she corner me in the girl's bathroom.

         I had my back against a corner as Sakura and a few of the other cheerleaders surrounded me. With her hand on her hip, she flips her pink locks over her shoulder as she glared daggers.
"Stay away from my man bitch. I know you like Itachi but he's mine. So unless you want a broken nose, stay away from him." she says as she shoves me back against the wall. Turning she snapped her fingers queuing her group to follow her.
        "Well, I should be going, see you guys," I state as I get up from my seat and leave, making sure I don't make eye contact with the witch in pink. Folding my arms I make my way back over and inside my house and up to my room.


I lay on my back, relaxing on my bed as I had my nose deep in 'it gets worse' by Shane Dawson. The sound of five seconds of summer in the background. Suddenly my phone buzzes with a text. Setting down the book I see the message was from Konan. As I open the text it presents a photo of Sakura kissing, and not with Itachi. Instead, it was his own brother Sasuke with his tongue in her mouth. My eyes widen in shock as I now possess evidence of Sakura cheating. My heart sank as I thought of the pain it would bring Itachi if he saw this. I received yet another text from Konan.
        K: Itachi just caught them. He ran out and got into his car. Watch out for him. 
        My heart gave a dull ache as if I could feel his pain. I waited to get another text from but none never came. An hour went by as I listened to the sound of heavy rain beating against the glass of my window. Suddenly I hear someone banging on my front door. Quickly making my way down I peer through the peephole.  There stood Itachi soaked to the bone. Quickly opening my front door I move aside not saying a word. His clothing clinging to his body, his hair dripping wet. Turning I run to the downstairs bathroom returning with a towel. Lying to fabric over his head I begin to dry his hair for him. Gazing into his eyes as I dry his locks his eyes seem cold and lifeless. Suddenly he grabs me pulling me into his embrace.
        "Itachi you're getting me wet," I say as I feel my clothes dampening. He continued to hold me as he nuzzled his face into my neck. Standing there I let his body warm up as he absorbed my heat. Pulling back I grabbed his hand leading him upstairs to my room. Once in my bedroom, I released hand. Grabbing a dry towel from my bathroom I hand it to him. "Here, go shower," I say as he nods before turning and going into my bathroom. Waiting for the sound of the water before I lay back down on my bed. Picking up my phone, I text Konan.
        [y/n]: Itachi is here and safe.
        Yawning I set my phone back down. I close my eyes, dozing off.

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