Private Fears In Public Places

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Hello, I'm Boy Divi! Anyhow...I just wanted to say: If you have added this story to your library then please comment on this chapter. I would love to talk with  a few of you and see where you are expecting this story to go!

Enjoy! Also, make sure you didn't skip the very first chapter! Some of you did. With much love,
~Boy Divi.

Chapter Three.

Gerard walked beside Kye, twisting black hair between his thumb and index finger. His eyes wandering over to Frank.

Frank was an interesting character to say the least. He was quite short, and Gerard learned rather quickly to not comment on it.

Kye, Frank, and Gerard had been hanging out for about four days. Gerard had gathered that Frank used to attend a Catholic school, his parents had split, and he plays guitar.

Gerard also noticed Frank seemed to be very flirtatious.


Gerard shook his head, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips as he met Kye's gaze, "What is it?"

"You were deep in thought again...But we asked if you we can hang out at your place."

Gerard slowly nodded. Normally he didn't like taking people into his home, but Kye was pretty much family. And Frank...well, it seemed  he was here to stay.

Gerard didn't really like change. So when Frank had started to hang around,  he retreated into his own world.

Gerard sighed softly as Kye gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Her brown eyes looking at him with curiosity.

Once again, Kye was trying to figure him out. Kye fixed things- well...not things, she wasn't very good  at fixing anything- but she was a people fixer. That's just a part of who  she was.

But Kye guarded her emotions just like himself.

"How old are you Gerard?"

Gerard looked over at Frank. The younger male's eyes locked on him. Gerard tilted his head  to side, "I'm seventeen."

Frank's face lit up as a small spread across his face. "I'll be seventeen tomorrow."

Kye suddenly stopped, a spark of energy seeming  to flow throughout her.

Gerard watched, his eyes growing round. Kye was lazy. Not just the, I'm not gonna vacuum the carpet. Or something like that...It  was a 'I'm hungry, but I refuse to get up from this spottype of lazy.

Kye had pretty much thrown herself onto Frank, she grabbed his shoulders and was bouncing up and down. "Your Birthday  is tomorrow?!" She squealed.

Frank was in a state of shock. Gerard couldn't help but chuckle. He wrapped his arms around Kye's waist and pulled her away from the poor vertically challenged boy.

Kye made a face at him, clearly not appreciating his actions.

Frank blinked, "Um yeah, tomorrow."

"Halloween?" Gerard asked, his nose scrunching up.

"Halloween?!" Kye gasped, "That's got to be the coolest birthday ever!"

Frank rocked back on his heels and ran a hand through the back of his hair. "Um, yeah. I suppose it is."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kye asked. Her lower lip jutted out, her normal pouting look.

Frank glanced at her and then back  to Gerard.

Gerard shrugged. "You should have told her."

Frank shrugged, "-It didn't seem important..."

Kye shook her head, "That's a pathetic excuse. "

Gerard tuned out a bit. He didn't care much about Frank Iero. Frank was just some guy that bumped into Kye.

Gerard wasn't a jerk. It's just when it came to social situations, all Gerard needed was Kye. Large crowds of people frightened him. Besides, he only had time for his family and one friend. Two friends would be too much.

Even one friend could be considered too much. But Kye was a poor soul that a young, naive, Gerard had stumbled upon. She was more something to be protected. A pleasant burden.

"Does that sound like a fun thing to do, Gee?" Kye smiled widely at him.

Gerard nodded, "Yeah,  that sounds like a wonderful idea."  He smiled although he had no clue what he had agreed to. He felt a pair of eyes and turned to meet bright green eyes.

"Hey, I dunno if you're aware or not, maybe short people are taught differently, but staring at people is rude." Gerard had stopped grinning.

Frank turned red, "Nah man, us short people take a few inches for every minute that we stare."

Kye was laughing softly, the tension quickly fading. Gerard's straight face broke. Exhaling loudly through his nose, like when one was too busy to bothering with actually laughing.
Frank giggled- yes, giggled- a high pitched squeaking that was too cute to be classified with a plain word like 'laughing.'

Kye laughed even harder, "Oh my God, that's got to be the cutest laugh I've ever heard!"

Frank blushed with embarrassment. But couldn't stop laughing, their laughter fueling the other's.

Gerard grinned, chuckling softly as he lead them up to his house. They were like children. It was sweet to listen to.

As he opened the door their laughter died down. He allowed them to step in first, Kye wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. Frank took shaky deep breaths. 

Mikey must have heard the commotion going on from outside, so by the time Gerard had stepped inside and turned, his little brother's face was peering at the from around the corner.

"Don't be weird. Come out and say hello."

Mikey narrowed his eyes, straightened up, and stepped into the living room.  He used his index and middle finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Hey Mikey, long  time no see, kiddo." Kye pulled the younger, but taller, boy into a hug.

"I think there's an universal law that states you can't call someone taller than you 'kiddo.'" Mikey muttered, rolling his eyes but grinning as Kye stood on her tip toes and attempted to mess up his hair.

Gerard watched them with a smile playing on his lips.

"Who's this?" Mikey asked, jerking his head towards Frank.

"Just a stray that Kye found on the way here. I told her not to feed him, it would follow us. But as you can see, she didn't listen. " Gerard explained as he shrugged his jacket off and put it on a hook by the door.

"Hey!" Frank protested, "That's-"

"What are you calling him?" Mikey asked.

Kye grinned, "I dunno yet. I'll think of something. Maybe Ghoul or whatever."

Kye tossed her hoodie at Gerard. "Where's Mama Way?"

Mikey took a look at Frank before answering, "She went to get stuff for dinner."

Kye nodded, "Oh okay." She flopped down on the couch.

Frank held his hand out to Mikey, "I'm Frank." He was a little embarrassed by the whole stray thing.

Mikey nodded and shook his hand, "I'm Mikey."

"Short people are easy to train." Gerard whispered in Mikey's ear, winking at Frank; knowing full well that he whispered loud  enough for Frank to hear.

Frank made a face, sticking his tongue out at Gerard and flipping him off. 

"Kyyyyyyeeee, Frank's being rude. " Gerard said, feigning to be hurt.

"Frank, play nice."

Gerard smirked, sitting on the couch beside Kye. If Frank was going to stick around he was going to have to learn to defend himself.

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