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Chapter Eight.

Frank was so glad when the final bell rang. He gathered his stuff and waited by the door for Gerard and Kye. The hazel eyed boy was glad to have them for friends. They were truly amazing people and he would have had a miserable first day without them.

Even better, Kye had been kind enough to want to do something for his birthday. As he stood there waiting he heard tons of talks about parties, of course, this was highschool and it was Halloween. A brunette slowed as she laid eyes on him, she smiled, "You're the new kid, right?"

Frank nodded shyly, "Uh...yeah. Frank." He looked down at his shoes. Man, he really needed to invest in new shoes. He could see the gray of his sock through a hole in the side.

"I'm Jamia." Great. Now another name he would have to remember. "I'm throwing a party at my house if you want to come. It will be a great way to meet people."

Even on Monday. "Oh. Um." Frank ran a hand through the back of his hair, "My friends and I already have plans."

Jamia tilted her head to the side, "Oh, well who are they? I'm sure they can come too."

Frank spotted the mop of red hair followed by a much shorter brunette. He pointed a finger in their direction, "Gerard and Kye."

The girl instantly frowned, "Maybe next time..." Jamia quickly headed down the hall without another word.

Alright then...

"Hey Frankie." Kye said as she approached. Gerard raised his hand in a small wave, "Ready to go?"

Frank nodded, "Yeah. Let's go." He noticed that they had put they're stuff away already. "I still need to stop at my locker." He informed them.

"We're aware, Iero."

Frank chuckled to himself. "Just makin sure, Way."

"Boys." Kye said firmly but a smile graced her lips. They stopped briefly at his locker and allowed him just enough time to shove his stuff in.

The three of them of them made their out of the school. "So, we'll stop at my house, then Frank's and finally at Gerard's." Kye explained as they walked quickly down the sidewalk.

Frank glanced over at Gerard and was startled to meet the older boy's panicked gaze. He furrowed his eyes in confusion and !mouthed the word 'What?''

Gerard shook the red bangs out from over his eyes. What? He mouthed back.

Then it clicked. A devious smile grew on his lips. He tore his eyes away from Gerard's and looked only ahead of him. Gerard didn't know the plans for today. He must have forgotten.

Frank could be helpful and maybe things between them would change for the better.


He could leave Gerard in his panicked state and leave him to his own demise.

Frank chose the latter. His smirk grew wider as he turned his attention back to Gerard and shrugged. 'Tough Luck.' He mouthed.

Gerard gasped and Frank could have swore he saw a flame of anger ignite in his brown eyes. That only made Frank more glad with his choice.

The further they walked down the sidewalk the more certain Frank grew in the fact that Gerard was glaring at him so intensely that he was surprised his eyes weren't shooting daggers.

Kye seemed to have picked up on the growing silence. "Where did you learn to play guitar, Frank?"

The sudden break in silence had made him jump slightly. He felt waves of embarrassment flood over him. But Kye's giggles filled the air and he couldn't help but laugh at himself too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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