Lover Boy

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Chapter Four.

Kye laughed softly, she missed hanging out at Gerard's house. It had taken months before he finally invited her over. She was glad when he didn't object to Frankie coming over. She was sure that wouldn't be the case when it came to his room.

Kye loved Gerard's room. It was like getting a peak at who Gerard truly was. She tugged on the thick bracelets on her arms.

Kye looked over at Frank. His birthday was tomorrow and he didn't tell her. Friggin Halloween, the coolest birthday ever.

Kye looked over at Frank, who appeared to be pouting, a soft pink stretching over his cheeks, teeth grazing his bottom lip. He turned his head, catching her gaze. The corners of his lips turning up into a small smile, his green eyes shining brightly.

Kye couldn't help but smile back at him. Frank was ridiculously cute. His hair was black and kinda swooped on the side of his head. He was about an inch taller than her, and he sported a devilish grin most the time.

He was fun to be with. Frank seemed very flirty and full of himself. He was like Gerard in some ways.

Kye rested her head on Gerard's shoulder and sighed softly. Gerard always smelled nice. It was hard to explain what it was like. The scent was the equivalent to a rare warm day in fall. It was a pleasant surprise, unexpected, and always welcomed.

Gerard hummed softly; when Kye didn't recognize the tune she knew it must be one of his own. She suddenly stood up and pulled Gerard to his feet. Gee snorted and rolled his eyes, the fingers of his right hand tapping against his left arm.

"I'm hungry." Kye announced.

"Mom's gonna be home soon." Gerard huffed.

"I'm kinda hungry too." Frank muttered.

Kye raised her eyebrows and nodded. "Feed us."

Gerard ran a hand down his face. "You're like small children." He groaned and sauntered into the kitchen.

Kye and Frank followed him like ducklings.

Mikey was digging through the fridge when the hungry train stopped in the kitchen. He straightened up and gave a nervous grin.

Kye watched as Gerard crossed his arms and took a deep breath.

"Bro," Gerard exhaled loudly, "Did you not just tell me that Ma went to get stuff for dinner?"

Mikey smiled sheepishly, "Yeah but It will take another hour for her to fix it."

Gerard rolled his eyes before grabbing the coffee pot and filling it with water.

Kye propped herself up on the counter, "Mikey, toss me those chips."

Mikey grabbed the chips but looked over at his older brother.

Gerard waved his hand dismissively, "Just give 'em to her." He gave his full attention to his coffee.

Mikey handed the chips over to Kye. She smiled warmly at him as she opened the bag. Frank reached over her and grabbed a handful of the snack.

Mikey wondered off after pocketing a snack. Gerard yawned and ran his fingers through his shaggy black hair. In his free hand he held a peach colored coffee mug; he lifted it to his lips and sipped on the hot coffee, the hot contents burning the tip of his tongue. He made a face set the mug down on the counter.

"Would you like some Frank?"

Frank nodded, "Uh. Yeah, sure. Thanks." Frank smiled at Gerard.

Kye couldn't help but smile, she was glad to see them getting along(even if it was only for a minute). She accepted the pale green mug from Gerard. Mama Way seemed to love pale colors. Her whole house represented that love.

Even her kids are pale.

Kye giggled at the thought. Frank looked at her curiously, "What's funny?" He asked.

"Ah...uhm," Kye paused for a moment and cleared her throat, forcing a straight face before answering, "Just a thought. Don't worry about it."

Frank nodded slowly, "Alrighty then."

Gerard must have poured some coffee for Frank already.

The front door creaked open, "Boys, come help me get stuff out of the car."

Mama Way's voice echoed through the house. She made her way into the kitchen and set her stuff down on the table. Her brown eyes lit up as she noticed the company. She held out her arms out and Kye quickly hugged her.

"Hi sweetie, I haven't seen you in a while."

Kye smiled as Mama Way released her. She smelled of smoke and ginger. It was a nice mix. "Yeah, almost a week or two."

Gerard's mother raised her eyebrow as spotted Frank carrying stuff into the kitchen.

"Why hello!" Mrs. Way grinned, "Who's this?" She wrapped Frank into a hug. Frank clearly wasn't expecting such a gesture and his face burned a bright red.

"I'm Frank Iero."

Mama Way beamed, "You don't need to bring anymore stuff in. You're a guest, no need to help."

"Oh, I don't mind helping." Frank murmured softly, looking down at the ground.

Gerard and Mikey set down what looked like the last of the groceries. "Did you get what I asked for?"

Mama Way nodded at Gerard before pulling a bag from her oversized purse. "Here." She tossed it at him.

Gerard grunted but caught it. "Excuse me for a moment." He walked out of the kitchen.

"So what are you making for dinner?" Mikey asked.

Mama Way paused, after moment of thought she answered.

"I'll order a pizza since there are more of us than expected."

Mikey threw fist into the air, "Yes!"

Hey! So, what do you think of the Way's mother?

What do you think it was that Gerard asked for? Whoever guesses right will have the next chapter dedicated to them.

Keep reading , keep running, and be safe out there in the zones!

~Boy Divi

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