Chapter 16 - Kirsten

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warning: this chapter needs to be rewritten. I'll work on it and as soon as I repost it, I'll let you know.



He looked completely different from what I'd seen him the other couple of times we met; at the office he was dressed like a rich guy, looked like a rich guy, talked like a rich guy and acted like a rich guy, quite much alike his other two friends, that pissed the hell out of me doing basically nothing. I couldn't bear those people. Always trying to play the role of the best when they're clearly like everyone else.

At Angel's birthday party, though, he wasn't wearing his fancy and expensive clothes; instead, he was dressing like a clown, but still, he had that stupid grin on his face as if saying 'hey, I'm right here, I'm gonna stick my f—cking rich nose into your life and show you how superior I am." I'd asked the guy a simple ride and he already walked into my house as if he owned it; I knew Lana liked him, and it wasn't her fault. He was playing the nice one, but I knew he was just trying to feel better, telling himself he'd done a nice deed to another human being. They were all the same, always trying to look nice when they honestly did the things they did to 'buy a place in heaven', according to their beliefs. At least that's how it usually worked.

But now, whatever the reason was, he looked different. I mean, he still had that stupid grin on his face, but he couldn't quite annoy me this time. Probably the fact that he was actually dressed like a homeless guy – dirty and old sweater and pants; an old and pale blue beanie not so well placed on his curls and those worn out brown shoes –, or maybe that thing behind his features that seemed to be so much in pain. The guy was a total wreck.

Those truly dark bags under his eyes were pretty much enough for me to realize he wasn't going to act annoyingly tonight. I doubted he was even going to act somehow; he was nearly vegetating.

I still regretted walking towards Harry (I guess that's his name), but I also felt sorry for him. Instead of automatically spitting rude words at his face, I just stood there, examining his every move. He was now about to stand, but his face was so pale and his hands were slightly shaking, which made me think he was going to faint if he tried to do such a thing. He'd lose his balance, and I couldn't help the satisfied grin from forming on my lips as he proved me to be right, failing on his attempt to stand up, and falling back to the bench.

"What?" he asked me as he saw me giggling. "I'm not dressed like a clown anymore," he peered down, putting one of his hands on his head, looking for support. I could almost feel his migraine, and I knew how freaking awful it felt.

"Looks like someone is a mess," I said, looking on the pocket of my apron for the pills Lana had given me a few days ago and – for some unknown reason – walking towards him. Taking the empty space next to his, I watched as he tilted his head to the side and stared at me, taking his time while appreciating my presence – or at least I preferred to believe that was what he was appreciating.

"You're probably right," he admitted, and though he tried to sound flirty, I could hear the tiredness in his voice. "What do you have in there?" then he pointed with his head to the pills in my hands, and I offered him one.

"Might help you with the migraine, you know? Just take it," I didn't have to ask twice before he carefully took the pills from my hands and stared at it, way too thoughtful. "Just pointing out that the migraine won't go away by just staring at those," I pointed to the substance on his palm "You gotta actually put it in your mouth."

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