Chapter 1 - Tempest

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The rain continued to pour down long into the night. Every strike was like a lash of a whip against his back but Hawkins kept his pace and briskly made his way through the narrow streets. The sky had began to dim earlier than usual, the silvery dome of the Divide now hidden in shadow against the storm. The barrier protected them from a lot of threats but this time the weather was not one of them. This storm was different, however.

It was Trait made.

Hawkins grumbled as lightning flashed in the sky, his senses becoming increasingly aware of how dangerous it was to be out on a night like this. The cold chill of the winter breeze had turned viciously frosty in an instant, leaving Hawkins wishing that his dusty leather clad coat held more warmth to stop his chattering teeth.

"Hell's Teeth, this is ridiculous." Hawkins said, swearing under his breath.

Hawkins forced himself to forge ahead, his numbing fingers clenched the ends of his coat tightly as the winds whipped his coat around his legs, causing him to stumble. He swore, the cold threatening to knock the wind out of him as he quickly scanned the streets for any signs of shelter. All the taverns were bolted shut, the windows boarded up and any signs of life had fled. Not even the regular Excelliar patrols dared to venture out on a night like this.

"Damn it." Hawkins muttered, deciding to take his chances at a nearby stretch of alleyway away from the storm.

It was barely narrow enough for him to fit through but the overly wide ramshackle roofs would at least provide shelter from some of the rain. He squeezed through the gap, tugging his haphazard coat alongside him and leaned against the damp walls to catch his breath.

He frustratingly fished around in his windswept coat, lucky that nothing of value had fallen out and dug around for his cigarettes and a lighter. Pulling out a slightly sodden packet of cigarettes, he attempted to rub his hands together to get rid of the numb inducing chill around his fingers. Flicking open his lighter, Hawkins crouched down against the small dry patch near the battered dustbins and took a break to have a smoke.

A flash of luminescent light suddenly lit up the darkened sky in a rainbow of auroras streaking across the horizon. The cigarette fell from his mouth, abandoned onto the slick pavement, his jaw slack as he gaped up at the sky.

"No way. It can't be." Hawkins said, as the aurora began to form a familiar silver like sheen, basking the streets in its embrace.

Hawkins watched in awe as the Divide gave way to let the light though despite the storm, travelling further than he had ever seen. He couldn't see much thanks to the narrow buildings but he knew from experience how rare it was to see the Divide perform such an intricate light show. He stared wide eyed, craning his neck to get a better look.

The Divide was a Trait made barrier created to protect the Traited from the demons of Hellgrind. The Divide's core remained in the city of Opalis and continued to spread its influence across the towns and cities below.
Every night, the Divide would split itself into seven sections of light and reform once the sun began to rise.

It separated all the Undercity slums from Axis, all the way through Beggar's End and to the far side of Pelt. It was only ever seen after a Trait laced storm, and Axis had not received the full might of one in years. The power of Trait was an astounding sight. Terrible, dangerous and unpredictable but no amount of nature could compare to the wrath of a Traited scorned.

He ruffled a hand through his wet hair, before hoisting himself up off the damp ground. He groaned as his limbs began to crack, a sure sign he had rested too long. The streets were still mostly deserted, a few stragglers hurrying home much like he was doing. He leaned away from the wall, cigarette in hand as he peered up at the sky, keeping a wary eye on the possibility of another rainstorm before trudging along the rain slicked path towards his goal.

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