Chapter 57 - Familiarity

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It took several minutes for everyone to move.

The storm that had plagued them for what felt like weeks had retreated into the familiar greyish hue clouds that constantly surrounded the Undercity. The malleable structure that had held them throughout the clash of wind and rain only now began to crumble, its job fulfilled even as the inhabitants didn’t dare to move.

Mantis remained on the plateau, the others caked in all manner of slick soil and grime, unbothered by the muck since the last few attempts on their life had almost succeeded with every time they tried. The solemn Air Traited looked up at the sky, her legs had long given out but the soaring creature above her was far more tenacious.

Hawkins steadily broke out of his fear laced shell, only moving in small increments in step with the disgruntled Fire Traited and the still shaking Tinker Mole. Wordlessly they nudged closer together, their eyes locked as they each gave each other a once over before half dragging the helpless Gidget out of his stupor.

All anyone did was sit and watch.

The aftermath of the storm’s debris had been used to cement new structures into the soft earth, gravel strewn into brickwork like shards of glass permeating flesh. Axis creaked alongside them, the Living City still bruised and battered but somehow still standing. Broken but whole.

A soft glow of familiar blue encompassed the darkness of the day, night…evening whatever today was with a new monochrome vision of the city he grew up in. It was cold but not blisteringly so, it was dark but somehow his vision was clear even with the steadily rising clouds of dust and moisture around them.

Hawkins didn’t have the capacity to think about what was next. Too tired to call it tired and too drained to do anything but the simplest of actions. He clapped Cull on the back in quiet thanks and rose to his feet, almost crumpling under the weight of his own spine and hobbled towards the lone Mantis, still watching the skies for any kind of movement. She was too young for all this. They all were.

The dragging of feet was the only sound anyone could hear for miles, Cullian gently guided the ragged Tinker Mole to his feet with the hope that everyone else wouldn’t be far behind. Gidget’s claws made trails in the sand, two pairs became blurred with the heat rippling beside him even as small bits of dried clay rolled into beads and followed him. Crafter and Traited too exhausted to do anything but mindlessly wander until their destination had been set.

Mantis tried to greet them, she really did. But they didn’t need thanks or apologies. They sat watching the same sky, the same horizon until the same hollow blue bird condensed into energy came down to meet them just as the relief filled notes of bickering arrived to strangely set them at ease. Hack, Odi and Gizmo.

Cull laughed, a loud deep laugh that none of them expected until Gidget was rolling on the already cracked ground struggling to breathe from the effort of keeping things together. Hawkins didn’t know when he had joined in but by the time they had all stopped the brick puns had gotten to ridiculous levels even with all eight of them pitching in. Thea included.

They didn’t make a fire. They didn’t heal anyone. They didn’t lecture or argue or drift off when feelings were hurt and tempers were high. They stayed together until Cull’s seemingly endless food supply had dried out and had spent the rest of the time debating whether the living city preferred jerky or Insta Rolls by chucking old bits of wrappers at whichever walls would pop up next.

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