Chapter 56 - Potential

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Nivara fought the urge to stick her tongue out at the Singfall siren.

Almost like a childish spat or a sibling rivalry between dragons the two had been separated and coerced into opposite corners of the room like a crowd expecting another round of an already decided boxing match. Nivara clutched her half eaten, mealy Insta roll in her hurt hand, still throbbing from her earlier assault to Reina's meagre self esteem. She shouldn't have hit her. She should've ended her.

Kaldra curled up in her lap, purring happily despite all the rushing about and people returning to their seats as all of the other Council of Names members present had taken a much needed break. Those who needed to relieve themselves did so and grabbed leftovers from wherever was closest as young kits sneaked a peek at the proceedings before being gently ushered away by their parents and guardians. Nivara gave them a smile but soon remembered the burn on her face just as they ran away.

Reina gave her the evil eye, her pale blue skin was blemished by bruises and specks of blood missed by her holding a large wad of gauze up to her face despite the Tinker Mole leader's assistance to immediately heal her with her strange Forger Craft. Nivara ignored the Singfall siren and focused on stroking her brave Oathed to calm herself down, Quilla looking on proudly while a certain Caithsee guarded the other side of the room.

Rizelle fought back a grin, Nivara ultimately glad to break the dumb sirens nose even temporarily just to see her reaction as everyone begin returning to their seats. Hack kept a wide berth from the Havalog chieftain as Tuskarr readjusted his belt and stowed his giant war hammer underneath the chair haphazardly, still in mid conversation with the always affable Captain of the Ravenback's.

Nivara finished off the last of her roll, watching as different members pocketed or stuffed various meats, cheeses or fruits into their mouth before clearing themselves down of any crumbs or stains. Even the grandiose Raven Lord, maskless and all somehow managed to down an entire cup of what looked like overly clear water and the last wedge of a vegetable filled pie, starchy and potato like much like the Caldorian plants she had used to blot out fires on long nights in the deserts.

They had called it greevy pie, only recently grown by Floodbound farmers exclusively in Neridia.

It was strange to see such a stern and revered council member chatting amicably, even after so long arguing and disagreeing over such little things. The amusement and laughter turned to frustration and annoyance that not even Nivara herself knew the reason for all her anger. It was like it had been bound to her very soul, the audible pause lasting longer and longer until finally, she reached a breaking point.

"I want answers. No more introductions. No more delays."

The soothing atmosphere they had created shattered under the weight of such simple words but such a demanding ask right off the bat. Kaldra's antics didn't help the serious nature of Nivara's questioning, deciding at that very moment to bat playfully at her cloak's silky fabric and roll around in her lap like a cat.

"Of course, where would you like to start?"

Quilla's nonchalant response stunned Nivara for several seconds, fully prepared for being refused after so many attempts to search for them herself. She had travelled for so many years to so many different places only to receive the same refutable answer over and over again.

She took a moment to compose herself, tears of pure emotion building up, years of unreleased frustration kept to herself for so long but still unable to rent it free just yet. Her thoughts primed on so many moments throughout her life, so many people she had to abandon in Caldor just to survive.

The words to follow such a simple agreement failed her, the thoughts of her family long dead by the desires of her grimoire, the disgruntled discussions with a less than oblivious Sand Wraith and lastly, the young Fire Traited boy who had reignited her spark to live again. Not even Reina's sulking could ruin this moment, this very reason for all her struggles throughout Wayward and beyond.

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