Chapter 8 - Nightfall

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“Nivara! Please, wake up!”

She could hear the voice, powerful and strong yet tinged with worry. Her clouded mind recognised the pull of the commanding Trait but the lull of sleep was too great. She could hear the rain pelting down, feel the chill of her wet cloak constricting her as it shifted around her body, changing from numbing cold to a low thrum of heat.

“Oh Hells teeth, this is all my fault. Come on, Nivara. I need you to stay alive.”

The rustling of movement was all she could hear above the voice, her cloak no longer constricting but embracing, almost calming the frost searing against her skin. Slowly the haze of sleep began to lift, the orders for her to awaken throbbing in her mind as the web of endless heat caused her to move ever so slowly.

“Kaldra?” she said, raspy from the effort as she called for her companion.

Nivara opened her eyes a fraction to find she was surrounded by a sea of white light. She reached out to touch it, it shifted a little, bristling at the sudden sensation before moving upwards like a velvet curtain. A large scaly head wrought with worry, poked her midsection as the dragon she had been hoping for was nowhere to be seen. Her heart plummeted just as nerves attacked her system, causing her to breathe out in short, sharp gasps.

“No, no. It’s OK, it’s OK. It’s just me. It’s Ethros, remember?”

Nivara shook her head, tugging at her hood which was thankfully still intact as she tried to shield herself from the sight of such a revelation. It was not her dragon. It was Lady Aria’s.

“Are-are you gonna eat me?” she burst out at last, her eyes clamped shut beneath the dampness of her mask.

Ethros’ worry soon turned to laughter as he tried to muffle his surprise with his claw, knowing full well of the discussion she was talking about. The worry lines began to fade as he slowly allowed Nivara out of his embrace despite her struggling against the warmth of his scales.

“No, Nivara. I won’t eat you.”

She shuffled uncomfortably, her face now red with embarrassment, her expression marred by too many emotions to comprehend. She sat with a dragon that was not her own, a blisteringly white beacon of hope against a stormy backdrop of destruction as if nothing at all was wrong. Nivara lay within the ruins of the partially destroyed courtyard, the main structure of the walls jutting out like fragments of bone and singed stone.

“Why did you save me?” she said at last, not daring to meet his gaze.

Nivara tried to move away from him but it was no use. She was drained of energy only just supported by the strong, scaly back of her Throneholder. She was now incapable of standing, surrounded by a large wingspan blocking any chances of moving. Not that she was complaining.

“I wanted to.” Ethros said simply, resting his head near his wing to meet her gaze.

“Why? You said-” Nivara began as the dragon shook his head, feeling the need to interrupt her before she had even started.

“It doesn’t matter what I said before. You’re alive and that’s what matters.” he said firmly, reminding Nivara of a no nonsense healer.

But she stood her ground, adamant about finding out whatever she could. She needed something, anything to start a conversation. If she had something to cling to, to keep going so all of her battles would’ve been worth it. Ethros’ expression was a lot kinder than she had ever seen him, his golden eyes no longer piercingly cold but curious and patient. Perhaps, she should at least try to get through to him.

“No. That’s not good enough. I need to know.”

The dragon was taken aback, his eyes wide with shock at the sudden demand as if he himself had his own Tarragon used against him. His head lowered slightly, dejected at being denied avoiding the topic he wasn’t sure she would accept. But her tone was non negotiable, a mirror image of the stone faced glare he had given her only a few hours ago.

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