Chapter 6 : The Escape

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Hey people! I kno i updated i think about a week ago so yea idk how long this chapter will be but im jst guna get started on it ahh new characters in this chapter!


Chapter 6

Nicole POV

I was kissing Zac in a... tower? A tower? Where the hell did a tower come from? They dont have a tower in their house, or outside. Hmm weird. Oh ok, i get it! Im dreaming! I shook myself out of my dream and woke up all the way.

I was in Matt's room and, just like Trey, he got instructions from Zac and was holding me tightly. I checked the clock for the time and apparently it was only 6 am. I wonder why i woke up so early... AGAIN! Oh well might as well just go to sleep.

I closed my eyes and started falling asleep until i heard mumbling. It wasnt me, it was Matt. "Nick," He mumbled. Whos Nick? "Ni-cole" He said. I couldnt tell if he was asleep. Was he trying to talk to me? I tried moving up to see if he was awake but i couldnt! Damn, all these guyz are strong! Well Cody is kinda weak... okay that was a mean thing to say, well think.

"Matt, are you awake?" I asked. No answer. Ill take that as a nope. I tried moving out from under his arms. It took about five minutes because i had to stop when he moved. I was free! I gasped and thought, *Oh my gosh, I gotta get out of here!* I walked into Matt's closet and found another flower dresser, just like the one in Zac's closet. I changed into something that would be good for running and had alot of camoflauge. I grabbed some brown lipstick and drew 2 lines under my eyes, like football players.

Okay im being way dramatic. I grabbed a small shoulder bag i found and headed for the door. I walked out of Matt's room. Ok, Step 1: Leave Matt's room. Check. Step 2 should be... Get my cellphone! Didnt Zac have it? I walked down the hall quietly and found Zac's room. I carefully opened the door and tip-toed inside. I saw it right on his nightstand! I snatched it and got distracted when i saw Zac sleeping face.

He was so cute sleeping. Focus Nicole! You have a mission! I went to my pictures in my cellphone and took a picture of Zac sleeping. Ok now i can concentrate. I stepped out of Zac's room, door left opened. I would be gone so it wouldnt matter. Ok, Step 2: Get my cellphone. Check. Step 3: Get some water and snacks for the who knows how long trip. I made my way downstairs and found the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and grabbed 3 bottles of water. I stuffed them in my bag. I found a box of granola bars ,took the bars out of it and scattered them inside my bag. Step 3, Check.

Step 4: GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE! I walked over ot the door and unlocked it. I opened up the door and mentally said goodbye to the guyz. I ran out of the house and into the never-ending woods. I ran until i couldnt run anymore.But by then i was already seeing some buildings.

Its been about 2 hours since i left. Its around 8 am now. I smiled to myself and continued on walking. I had finished only 1 water bottle and a granolabar. I have 5 more granola bars and 1 and a half bottles of water. I took a tiny sip of water and walked. My legs were sore but there was no way i was stopping now. I was finally reaching the edge of the woods. I had signal on my cellphone!

I dialed my moms number and waited while it ringed.

"Hello," A lady answered. It was my mom, i think.

"Mom," I said,tears coming to my eyes.

"Who is this"


"Oh, Hi sweetie. Where are you?" She sounded bored, like she didnt even care that i was gone for about 3 days.

"I was kidnapped. And i dont know where i am" I told her i was kidnapped, hoping that she would start to worry at least a little bit.

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