Chapter 42: Forgive &&'d Forget

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I Changed My Username Soo Yeah Fromm lacy578 Twoo ItArianaBwwtch >.^ Which Is My Twitter . iThink Cuhz iDont Go On It . ^.^t


Nicole POV

  I woke up in a bright room. Am I dead? I can't be that lucky can I? I felt pain spread throughout my body. Cuts, bruises, and maybe broken bones. Heaven can't be so painful. Can it? Is this the price to get into heaven? Enduring all this pain to be later replaced with happy things?

Then, I saw him. Jake. This isn't heaven. I'm sure I wouldn't see him so clearly if it was. He was on a bed next to me, sleeping. A white bed. Everything here is white.

"Why is everything white?" I mumbled.

Nobody answered.


Nothing. I waited and waited for something to happen. I heard beeping and started really taking in my surroundings. Almost everything was white. White chairs, white beds, white curtains... I noticed a bronze door handle on a peach door. There was also a counter, that told me that this was a hospital. It was white with light blue lining it. Nice. It was empty though.

Where are the people that are supposed to be helping me?

Jake shifted in his sleep, followed by a groan of pain. Jake woke up all the way and started moving around. I noticed his hand. It had a white bandage, but it was stained with some red. Then everything started coming back to me.

Everything. My first night kidnapped. The second time. When I lost my virginity unwillingly. Zac, Trey, Omar, Andy, Lance, Matt... I also remembered Cody and Grey's deaths. The car chase. Me trying to shoot Omar. Omar stabbing Jake. Jake stabbing Omar.

I wonder where Omar is. I looked around frantically. I didn't want him anywhere near me.

"Nicole," Jake moaned, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?" I didn't recognize my voice. It sounded too dry. I need water.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Jake smiled and closed his eyes again. 

It felt like hours later. An old man and a lady, also in white, walked into the room."

"Hello Nicole and Jake." The man greeted us. He was probably a doctor.

"Nicole, you have many, many cuts and bruises, and a sprained ankle. You should be fine in two days with enough rest," The doctor smiled at me, "You, Mr.Jake, have lost a lot of blood. We did some transfusions. You will also be healed in two days if you rest. Your hand must stay wrapped for a short while longer, though."

Jake nodded slowly. I also nodded, but it made me dizzy. I feel so weak.

"Can I get some water?" I asked. The nurse and doctor disappeared, but came back with water and food.

She gave me a tray and I started eating everything on it. I was so hungry and thirsty. The nurse and doctor said that my mom was going to come pick me up in three days and how I would have to tell the police everything that happened along with Jake. I explained how I called my mother during my first attempt to escape my kidnap. How she didn't care, didn't call any cops. She is my only family that doesn't live across the country. The doctor told me to tell the police about it.

Since it was summer, none of my friends would have thought anything was wrong. My bestfriend probably thought I was grounded or something. It happens a lot.

Soon enough, my mom did come in the three days, as promised. When she told me where we were, I realized how far from home I really was. I was in a different state. I went from Michigan to Ohio. Wow.

The doctor said I could go home. I was fine now. So was Jake. The doctor showed me Omar. He was still not healed. His leg had a bloody bandage on it, and cuts covered his arms, legs, and face. He was still good looking.

Omar's face lit up when he saw me. The doctor rushed me out of the room and I left with my mom.

My mom drove us to an Ohio police station where Jake was waiting for us. We went into a room with a detective, my mom stayed outside. We told him everything. The deaths, the pain, the rape, the kidnapping so many times, the escape attempts, Omar's gang. I also told him about my mother not caring. He promised to do everything he could.

Jake told the detective where Omar and Lance's house was. He sent men there immediately. An hour later, they came back with Trey, Zac, Andy, Matt, and Lance. All of them were in handcuffs and it was obvious that Trey, Zac, Andy and Matt haven't aten since I gave them those cookies.

They also looked like they had been crying. I was finally going to go home. The police would call me for any information they needed.


Hours later


As soon as we got home my mom made me a big dinner. My room looked exactly how I had left it. Clothes on my bed and floor, my shoes by the closet. Tears came to my eyes. I was finally home, even though I didn't want to be here with my uncaring mother.


Days later


The detective from Ohio called me and told me that I was stuck with my mom until I was 18. I hadn't realized what month it was now. My birthday is next week. So just one more year and im out of here.

The detective also told me that Omar, Trey, Zac, Andy, Matt, and Lance were going to be in jail for a very long time. Especially Omar. He told me that Jake would also be in jail for a year. He couldn't tell me why so it probably had to do with something from a long time ago.

I knew I had to forget about everything that happened. I especially had to forget about Jake.

And so I did.


Next Chapter is the Last Chapter .

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