Chapter 23: No Money

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Im surprised i only have 23 chapters but ive been getting rlly rlly lazy about updating this becuz i dnt even use my laptop as much as i used 2 so yeahh


Nicole POV

I woke up with arms around me. Probably Omar's. I tried moving, but he was too strong. I looked to my side and saw that it was Lance. Great. He probably raped me in my sleep.

I moved around, hoping he would wake up. I got tired of trying and decided to just try and go back to sleep. It wasn't that simple. I've been asleep for awhile.

"Lance" I whispered and pushed him a little bit.

He tightened his arms around me. I started breathing heavy. He is going to choke me to death!

"Luh-Lance. I-can't-breath."

I took a deep breath and started getting dizzy. I have to do this. I pulled my knee up and kneed him in the balls.

"Holy Shit!," He yelled in pain," What the fuck did you do that for?!"

Lance lifted his hand to slap me.

"You were choking me!" I spat.

He put his hand down.

"Sorry." He mumbled, "I needa check on those douchebags. Come on."

Lance got off the bed and grabbed my arm. He started pulling me out of the room and to the stairs. We passed the door to Omar's room and Lance knocked. We waited for Omar to open the door but got no answer.

Lance rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Wake up faggot," He told Omar, "Watch her."

Omar groaned and turned in his bed.

Lance rolled his eyes and pulled me to Omar. He picked me up and threw me on top of him.

"What the hell?!" Me and Omar yelled at the same time.

"Fuckin' watch her!" He yelled at Omar before leaving the room.

Omar grabbed me before I could get up.

"I want to see Jake" I said.

"Pick a number."

"What?" I asked.

"Pick a number!" He yelled.

"10" I mumbled.

"Now divide it by 10."


"Now subtract one." I saw a smile play on his face.

"Zero" I scowled.

"THAT'S HOW MANY FUCKS I GIVE!" He started laughing.

I rolled my eyes. Idiot.

"Go to sleep" He smiled.

"No. Im not doing ANYTHING you say until you let me see, and talk, to Jake."

He scowled at me.

"Fine. Come on." He mumbled.

I smiled and followed him to the stairs. Omar grabbed my arm and led me down the stairs and around to the basement door. He let me go first into the basement. I smiled when I saw Jake. It quickly turned into a frown when I saw the blood on his head.

I ran to him and kneeled down in front of him, since he was on the floor and tied to the same pipe I used to be tied to.

"Jake. Jake wake up." I whispered.

He opened his eyes and gave me a sad smile.

"Are you Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine. Thank you for asking. Just kinda hungry and thirsty." He answered.

"Me too." Trey said. He was still in his chair, but was close to Jake.

"Lance," Omar said,"Go pick up something to eat."

"What do I get?" Lance asked.

"Chicken wings!" I blurted out. I covered my mouth, hoping they wouldn't slap me.

"You heard the lady," Omar smiled. With that, Lance left. We sat there and waited for our food to come.




Trey is probably dead. If he is dead, that Jake guy better be dead too.

We couldn't pay for them. We just couldn't. Trey is the one with the money. Not us. He never gave us his bank account and he doesn't carry around cash.

I have a feeling he isn't dead though. I probably just miss him. He is like a brother to me. I wonder why he owed those guys money. He probably made a bet in racing. Trey loves racing.

Gosh, I miss him. Gray cried for about 5 minutes when it was time to drop the money off because we didn't have it.

Now, there were 2 girls in the house. Two people that we kidnapped were kidnapped from us, along with one of our partners. Just great.

We still checked the front to see if there was anybody tied up and unconcious. Specifically, Trey.


Nicole POV

Lance came back to the house and we got chicken wings. I smiled at the food and filled myself up. We ate the same way we did when we ate pizza, but Jake's ankle was still tied to the pipe and Trey's legs were tied to the chair. They didn't tie me up, they could catch me easily if I decided to try and leave.

After we ate, Lance and Omar decided that they would go shopping for food so we could eat whenever we wanted.

Lance wanted to leave me here, but Omar wanted to take me.

"We could leave her in the trunk?' Omar laughed.

"You're crazy. I don't wanna go." I mumbled.

I would go, for a way to escape. If they take me, they need to take me in the store, not leave me in the trunk. Isn't there some string you pull to get out of a trunk? Maybe I can escape.

Lance's eyes lit up. He wanted me to suffer in the trunk.

"Alright we're taking her." Lance said,

"Can I at least get clothes?" I asked.

"We'll pick everything for you just write your sizes of... Everything." Omar smiled.

"What? We don't get clothes?" Trey asked.

"You can use ours, but we're not spending any money on you because you're not going to be staying here much longer." Lance spat.

Trey and Jake exchanged looks and gulped at the idea. I hope they don't kill them.


Alrite new chapterr wenevr i feel like it hahaha byee

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