Chapter 7

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- 3 months later -
Shopie's *P.O.V*
Eddie wants to get married so soon i just can't do that, that is so not the right thing.

I feel like me and Tyler are getting so close and i am afraid that he thinks that we are more than friends, i don't know if we are more than just friends.

If Eddie finds out that we kissed, i'm dead

Eddie's *P.O.V*
I am dating Hannah and i don't know if i should tell Sophie.
I think it was a mistake to propose to Sophie because now Hannah wants me to leave Sophie.

I love Sophie and i love Hannah so i'm trapped.

Sophie's *P.O.V*

I'm going to surprise Eddie with cheese and wine.

I walk into my house and there is some romantic music in the living room, i see Eddie... AND ANOTHER GIRL!!!

I'm thinking it's  just his sister and that she just changed her hair-color

Eddie's *P.O.V*
I hear someone coming towards us, if it's Sophie i'm dead!

Sophie's *P.O.V*
She turnes her head around... it's Hannah (she is into girls & boys)
I feel nothing, it's like i just don't care and that's wierd.

I run out, Eddie saw me.

i'm gonna walk to Tyler's and see what he is doing.

I knock on the door, it's a girl that opens the door.

Me: Who are you?
The girl: I'm Tyler's girlfriend, who are you?

I run away!

To be continued...

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