Chapter 8

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I cry my eyes out, walk to the park and sit down.

I see Tyler coming towards me, i wanna stand up and run away but my legs are to weak.

Tyler comes and sits down next to me, what's going on Sophie? He says

Like you care!

i mean it what's going on?

You really wanna know?, what's going on is that Eddie cheated on me and then when i came runnig to you, you
have a girlfriend that i didn't know about! So right now i have nobody!

Sophie you have me!

Really because you have a girlfriend that i could not know about!

You know what when me and you started being close you didn't tell me THAT YOU WERE ENGAGED!

Fine then i guess that we are even!!

Right now I don't wanna talk to Tyler or Eddie, but i can call Zoe.

I call Zoe and ask her to hang out at starbucks, she says that she looks like a dead zombie right now so i just walk to Zoe's place and we watch a movie and i sleep over.

To be continued...

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