Chapter 11

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Tyler took it in a great way, i think.

Today is a big day, i'm going to tell my parents that i'm into girls.

I call my mom, (my parents live in NY) the phone call:
S: hey mom, are you alone right now?
M: yes darling, what is it?
S: i need to tell you something, you know me & eddie are not together anymore because he cheated on me, i didn't care because i'm not into men i am into women.
M: that's great honey!
S:well thanks
M: no problem, well i need to tell you something sweetie, me & your father are getting a divorce.

I hang up, cry so much that i can't breath because my parents have been together ever since i was born.

I don't know what i'm gonna do, i'm not sure that i wanna be here anymore!

To be continued...

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