chapter 1

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Okey so me & Eddie have been together for 2 years now. Eddie is amazing but i just dont think that he is the one that i want to spend my life with.

I walk into my room and Eddie is talking to someone on the phone and he is talking about that he is going to propose, i freak out and tell him that i am going to the store to get some food.

On my way out my phone rings, it's Zoe (by the way Zoe is my best friend) she asked me if i was free tonight and i said that i was free and that Eddie was on the phone and was talking about proposing to me and then i said that i wasn't ready and then i hang up.

I walk out the door and when i am walking i see Tyler (Tyler is a boy that i liked a few years back).

I deside that i should say hi to him so i go up to him and say hi he said hi back and gave me a hug, i have missed you so much he says

i have missed you more, what are you doing in London? i say

I live here now.

wow that's great, where do you live?

he pointed his finger on to the building next to mine.

O.M.G i live right  next to you.

wow great then i guess that we can hang out or something? he says

yeh sure but i need to go see you around. bye



to be continued...

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