Chapter 10

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I'm gonna tell Zoe.

I walk to Zoe's place, i tell her, she gets angry and tells me to leave.

I knew this would happen, she hates me now for not telling her sooner.

I wanna tell her that i just found out that i'm gay but that would be a lie, i have known that my whole life.

Everybody think i'm straight but i am not straight i'm gay.

It feels so good to say that "i'm gay"

I wanted to tell Zoe first, that was a mistake, i wanna tell Tyler.

I call Tyler,
The phone call:
T: hey, sophie are you okay?
S: yes, i am sorry
T: no i'm sorry
S: haha, i need to talk to you in person
T: yeh sure just come over
S: is your girlfriend home, what's her name?
T: no she's at work, her name is Stacy
S: ok bye

I hang up.

I walk to Tyler's place.

I knock on the door, Tyler opens the door, i walk in and sit down.

Tyler i need to tell you something,... i'm into girls not boys.

Long silence...

Ok, that's okay you know, i mean it' s still you right, it's the same person that i knew last week right?

Yeh of course, it's me

I just want you to be happy honestly.

Thank you Tyler, thank you!

To be continued...

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