another life update

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Warning: mostly gay stuff, be aware.

Well, since I've got no other stuff to tell rather than coming out and stuff like that, I'm just gonna tell you.
I told my mum I'm a lesbian and I've got no idea what to think about her reaction. Like first it was positively (through a text lmao) and when I came home she was like 'oh well but you've liked boys before, haven't you? and it could change over night (like I haven't liked girls for all my life). and how will you know if you haven't tried with a guy?' how can she know she's straight? she hasn't tried anything with a girl so she can't know, right? well, that's the way she thinks, which I think is quite ridiculous.
But let's move on from that, I don't wanna spear negativity.
I told my ex best friend and she reached really positively! And like almost all the girls know and everyone's fine with it. And they were talking about boys today and how they're kinda in love and I was like 'well, I maybe have a date on Saturday?? idk if it's really a date or not' and they were like 'OMFG ICE SKATING?!? GOALS OMG THAT'S SO ROMANTIC I WANT THAT TOO AND IT'S DEFINITELY A DATE' 😂😂
I don't think it is?? I'm not sure but they're all like ice skating = date
The girl isn't even really my type 😂 she's really nice but all into that anime and manga stuff and Japan and South Korea and just stuff ya know 😂😂 all I'm not really into 😂 like that's all ok but it's not my life 😂 and I'm quite sure she does stuff with that minimum 1/4 of a day and that's 6 hours and well 😂😂
But lol we'll see I think we could be good friends
Idk if I'm gonna join a tumblr whatsapp group like they're all queer and from Germany and idk but they use tumblr so they gotta be great? 😂😂
Lol I can't believe that I got quite a few queer acquaintances (omg this word what's this A C Q what) who live nearby 😂 I haven't met anyone yet but chatting and stuff 😂
and can we take a sec to appreciate dan howell's videos pls thanks

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