Movie Night: Mushroom Wars

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Mario came in with excitement as he held a bag from Mushroom-Mart. Luigi woke up to the slam of the door.

"M-Mario?" He asked.

"Hey-a Weegee! Look what I-a got!" He held up the bag.

"Uh...a bag? That's...great..." Luigi said confused.

"No no! Look!" Mario pulled out the item.

Luigi gasped,"YOU GOT-A THE MOVIE!"

"Yep! Mushroom Wars! Y'know what that means." Mario smirked.

"Movie night tonight! I'll-a call the princesses. Question, have you seen her?" Luigi asked.

"Violet? Yeah! She's with Daisy." Mario replied.

At Game Stop, Daisy and Violet were both roaming. They saw new and old games.

"OH OH! Look Vi!" Daisy pulled her towards herself.

"Ack! Dai, my arm." Violet grunted.

"You're fine! Look! It's the new Call of Duty: Black Opps 3!" Daisy squealed.

Violet lowered her hat,"Yeah, I guess that's cool..."

"You GUESS? Are you-"

Daisy's phone started ringing, she held it up to her ear. Violet didn't pay attention and went back to playing Mario Kart 8.


"Mushroom Wars? Yeah, I know." Violet said plainly.

Daisy didn't dare to ask how she knew that, but she did dare to pull Violet again, taking her back to the car. 

It was now 7:30. The Mario Triplets and the Princess cousins were at the Mario Mansion.

"Pass me the popcorn!" Dai said.

"Alright alright!" Mario groaned.

He threw it over Peach's head, causing her to punch his shoulder.

"Ow! Jeez..." Mario said.

"ITS STARTING." Luigi and Daisy yelled.

Mario and Peach gasped and hushed themselves.

"Hey...where's Violet?" Daisy whispered.

"Her room-a. Said she didn't-a feel good." Mario said doubtfully.

"Hmm...pause the movie will ya?" Daisy asked.

Mario and Luigi groaned, getting a slap on the back from Peach. She pauses the movie and turned to her cousin with a smile.

Daisy smirked and went up the stairs, grabbing the thermometer, and knocked on the door.

"I said NO!" Violet yelled.

"I came here to check your fever." Daisy said.

The door opened, to show Violet with purple eyes and growing fangs.


"I KNOW." She growled,"Hurry up...can't hold it much longer."

She checked Vi's temperature and saw there was nothing.

"Vi, I know you don't wanna watch the movie. But then your curse..." Daisy said.

"...I can try to hold it." Violet said more calmly, in her British voice.

"Okay, cmon." Daisy said.

Violet sighed calmly as she was led out the room, away from the moon light.

"Here she is!" Daisy said.

"Yay! MOVIE TIME!" Luigi yelled.

"GROSS!" Peach said, as she saw the two siblings kiss.

"Hey! They didn't know they're siblings!" Daisy reminded her.

"AMAZING-A MOVIE!" Luigi yelled.

"Why must you-a yell?!" Mario asked.

"The movie finished!" Luigi said,"It's-a okay!"

Peach and Daisy giggled while Violet grunted. Daisy patted Vi's back, only for Violet slap her hand away.

"S-sorry..." Daisy said with a nervous chuckle.

Violet looked at her for a moment, then smiled evilly but warmly,"It's alright...I guess."

Who's excited for the new Star Wars? I know my folks are!

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