Christmas 2015~Part 3

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Previously in part 2...

~Violet's POV~

"Don't you see Vi?" Goldeen asked,"You were happy!"

"That's because my parents were alive." I said angrily.

Goldeen then said,"But you still have your brothers..."

I waved her off, and she actually left. Then, the smell of fish filled my nose..

"Oh fantastic. Spirit of Christmas present." I said.

The night sky of 1996 turned into the night sky of 2015. A super huge boo with a green robe with a wreath on his head sat in the middle of a huge pile of food.

"Not bad..." I said,"What's your favorite food 'spirit'?"

"Hmm... Chicken leg." He said,"Wait...oh forget that! Anyway, I am the spirit Christmas present."

"Name please?"

"Stewart. You...Violet Mario, yes?"

I nodded.

"Well, I am here to try to make you-"

"Change my ways, thus prank is really dumb."

"Prank?! I am no prank!" Stewart said.

I nodded sarcastically and let him continue. He picked me up, placing me on his wreath and he floated to my mansion.

"Look, look inside." He said.

Looking into the window, I saw a worried Luigi on the telephone, contacting people. A depressed looking Mario sat under the tree.

"That's how they'll be tomorrow morning if you're not there." Stewart said.

I sighed, almost crying. But I couldn't, I didn't want to go back. Christmas wasn't a nice day for me.

"Violet... please..." Stewart said.

I didn't look up, only stared down at the snow. Not even noticing Stewart had vanished.

Later, I felt a chilling hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I met a tall hooded figure, but I could tell by the hand it was a large dry bones.

"Are you... The future?" I asked.

It nodded, it also pointed to a name tag on it's chest. Shadow.

"Your name is... Shadow?"

It nodded. It was now the night sky of 2016. We were in a grave yard, I hate grave yards.

"Who's grave is that...?"

He lighted a candle and the name appeared.

Mario 'Jumpan' Mario.

I shook my head,"Stop it. It's not true."

Shadow nodded, indicting it was. I then made a fireball and threw it at Shadow, only to be pushed into a grave, my grave of course.

"Oh great!" I yelled.

Shadow threw dirt in the grave, burying me alive.

"Violet?" Mario asked.

I was now at the front of Mario's door, Christmas morning. His eyes red from tears. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry for leaving..." I said.

Luigi came and gasped, clapping with joy.

"Merry Christmas bros..." I said quietly.

They both exchanged looks of surprise, only to smile and have me come in.

So, that was my Christmas. Up to this day, I sometimes see Goldeen, Stewart, and Shadow, watching me from different places.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Now I gotta make a New Years one...

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