Chapter 12

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I woke up really early this morning because I was worrying about Louis and Jarica I didn't even care about are fight I just wanted there relationship to last because I knew they really loved each other but I knew lying in bed would make me think and worry about it more so I went downstairs and when I walked into the kitchen I was suprised to see Jarica getting a glass if orange juice

"You okay"I asked

"Yeah I guess"she said sounding like she had been crying

"Do you have an idea if where he might be"I asked

"No and it's really starting to worry me"she said breaking out into tears

"Calm down it will be okay"I said putting my arm around her trying to calm her down then I heard a voice from the stairs

"What's going on" Liam asked

"It's Louis"I said to him

"Jarica listen to me"he said walking from the stairs over to us "Louis loves you and I know you love him and he would never do anything in the world to Hurt you"he said as he hugged her trying to calm her down like I was doing

"I know he loves me and I love him but I just miss him and I wish I has listens to him because if I. Had nothing like this would be happening"she said with tears still rolling down her cheeks

"It's not your fault couples have arguments so you can't blame it on yourself"Liam said reassuring her

"I guess your right"she said wiping away her tears"

"Are you alright now" I asked

"Yeah I'm just gonna go lye down now"she said walking up the steps to her room

"You good from here"I asked

"Yeah I'm fine now"she said shutting the door behind her.

When I walked back to my room I. Tried to do my best and not wake Harry up but when I got into bed it woke him up

"What's wrong babe"he asked

"Oh it's Jarica she worrying About Louis"I said

"I wish I knew where he was"Harry said

"We'll I guess there's nothing we can Do about it"I said crawling into his arms

"We'll let's just try to get some sleep"he said putting his arm around me


I heard a knock at the door so I got up to answer it and it was Jarica

"What's wrong"I asked

""Nothing I just wanted to know if you wanted to go get breakfast for everybody with me"she asked

"Yeah sure let me get ready real quick"I said shitting the door

"What did she want"Harry asked

"We're gonna go and get breakfast for everybody so I'm going to get dressed"I said

"Okay well I will try to call Louis again"he said grabbing his phone

I was getting ready and putting my hair up and putting my makeup on and I coiled here Harry who was getting very frustrated but I didn't want to tell Jarica so I just finished getting ready.

I was wearing my skinny jeans and teal tank top with my teal flats. I put my hair in a pony tail then walked out to see if Harry had any luck even though I knew he hadn't

"I'm leaving now babe"I said as I went to kiss him

"Okay love you're said pulling away

"Love you to"I said walking down to meet Jarica


As we were driving into town it was pretty quiet then we decided to get Nandos for breakfast and take it back home for everyone but as we were getting ready to walk in but then we noticed a new clothes store had open so we decided to go in there and look around before we got the food.

As we were looking around I saw a few shirts that were really bite that I decided to buy one if them Lime Green with Hot Pink steppes and I had to get that then the other one was just a shirt with the British flag so I got both of those and Jarica got three one of them was red and had a 17 on the back and I knew she got them because of Louis Football number and the other two were like mine.

After we checked our we walked out if the store and we saw a Starbucks across the street and then something caught are eye and it made are jaws drop. It was Louis and he was hugging another girl she had long Brown hair and she was fairly skinny and it looked like Louis and her know each other but we didn't know who it was bit it sure made Jarica mad because when she saw it she stormed off dropping her bags crying and running towards the car so I grabbed the bags and ran after her and finally got into the car.

"I can't believe him"she yelled crying harder than before

"Calm down"I said

"I can't he cheated on me"she yelled

"Okay why don't we go back home so you can calm down"I said opening the passengers door for her because I wasn't letting her drive why she was like this


When we got home Everybody stormed outside I'm guessing they saw Jarica crying

"What happened"Jonah asked

"I'll tell you later fist we need to get her inside to clam down"I said walking behind her as she walked inside to her room

"Now tell us what happened"Jonah said with everyone surrounding me

"We'll while we went to get breakfast it was still early and Nandos wasn't open so we decided to go into the new store next to it and look around and then after we checked out we looked across the street and saw Louis hugging another girl"I said

"Who was it"Zayn asked

"I don't know but she was skinny and had brown hair and looked like they knew each other"I said

"Uh oh" Liam said

"What"Jonah asked

"That's is ex girlfriend elenor"Niall said

"That filthy slut"Jonah said

"Should we tell Jarica Harry asked

"We'll I'm not sure it could make her worse"I said

"No we need to tell her" Zayn said

"Okay well let Jonah and I do it"I said waking up the steps with Jonah and all the boys close behind

I knocked on Jarica's door but then decided just to go in with Jonah beside me shutting the door behind us

"What now"Jarica asked with her mascara smeared all over her face

"You know that girl Louis was with"I asked

"Yeah"she said

"We'll that's his ex girlfriend elenor"Jonah Said

"What"Jarica said bursting back into tears

"Calm down Its his ex" Jonah said

"I don't care shes a filthy slut and I never want to see Louis again"she screamed

"Calm Down you don't know if anything has happened"I said

"So I hate her and I never want to set my eyes on Louis anymore"she yelled

"We'll just try to rest and clam down that's the best thing for you"Jonah said

"Ok your right"she said lying down in her bed going to sleep and not waking up anymore the rest if the night But that worried everybody a lot more but we knew there was nothing we could do about it so we all just let the day carry on then we all went to sleep.

A/N: Oh no Elenor this could not get any worse for Jarica or Could it??

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