Chapter 16

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I woke up early this morning but I wanted to make sure we got to the airport onetime to pick up Jade so I walked to Jonah and Liam's room to wake them up so I knocked in the door but when I didn't get an answer I just walked in and found them both asleep in each others arms

"Liam Liam wake up"I said

"What wrong"he asked

"We have to go get Jade from the airport"I said

"Oh yeah I forgot"he said sitting up

"I'm gonna go get dressed"I said

"Alright I'll wake Jonah up"he said as I shut the door behind me.

After I got dressed I went downstairs and found Jonah and Liam waiting for me Jonah still looked tired

"Ready to go"Liam asked

"Yeah"I said

"I wanna go back to bed"Jonah said

"You can when we get back"I said

"Yay" she said

*************At the Airport**************

We had been waiting for about 45 minutes for the plane to land and I was so excited to see Jade it felt like its been forever even though its only been 2 months.

Finally the plane landed then I saw jade step off of the plane looking around for me then she finally saw where I was and ran towards me

"Donna"she yelled running towards me

"Jade"I said back

"I haven't seen you in forever"she said hugging me

"I know"I said hugging her back finally I let I let go

"Oh is that your boyfriends said referring to Liam

Jonah gave me a weird look then looked over at Liam who had the same look on his face

"No that's Liam he's Jonah's boyfriend "I said

"Oh well then who's yours"she asked

"He's back at the house he was still sleeping when we left"I told her

"Oh ok"she said

"We'll is everyone ready" Jonah asked

Yeah I just have to get my bags" Jade said

"I'll get them"Liam said walking over to get then bags putting them in the trunk of the car then climbing in the drives seat pulling out if the airport parking lot


We had been driving for a few minutes then Jonah asked

"Are you gonna ask her"

"Ask her what"I asked

"About what we talked about last night"Jonah said

"Oh yeah"i said

"What's wrong" Jade asked

"We'll you see Jarica's boyfriend's ex- girlfriend tried to fight Jarica the other night and now shes trying to be her friend so we thought maybe you could figure out why" I said

"Yeah I'd love to"she said

"Speaking of Jarica does she know Jade's coming"Liam asked and right at that moment my phone rung

Donna: Hello

Jarica: Where the hell are you

Donna: Liam, Jonah, and I went to the airport to get Jade I forgot to tell you she was coming to visit for the week

Jarica: Jade's coming at a time like this

Donna: Yeah and she going to help us figure out why Eleanor is acting the way she is

Jarica: Okay but don't let Eleanor know shes stating with us

Donna: I won't

Jarica: Good And I gotta go she said them hung the phone up

"Who was that"Liam asked

"Jarica"I said

"Oh"he said

*************Liam's P.O.V***************

We were getting ready to pull into our driveway when something caught my attention it was Eleanor's car parked in our drive way so instead of slowing down I sped up and quickly passed the house

"Why did you pass"Jonah asked

"Eleanor's there"I answered

"Are you serious"Donna asked

"Yeah her car was parked in the driveway"I told her

"We'll how long do you think she will stay"Jonah asked

"I don't know"I said

"We'll we have to get Jade's stuff there"I said

"I'll call Louis and ask why shes there"I said pulling out my phone to call Louis

Louis: Hello

Liam: What's Eleanor doing there

Louis: I don't know but we keep trying to get her to leave but she won't

Liam: Well she better

Louis: I hope soon do you know how weird it is to have my ex- girlfriend and my girlfriend in the same room

Liam: No I don't

Louis: Well I will call you when you can come back home but I gotta go now bye

Liam: Bye

"What did he say"Jonah asked

"He didn't know why she was there but they would call is when she left

"We're going to be waiting forever"Jonah said

**********Donna's P.O.V*****************

We had been driving around town for about three hours then Liam got a call from Louis saying we could go home so we did.

We got out if the car and everybody was outside waiting for us so I introduced them to Jade and they all seemed to like her especially Niall so we all went inside and I showed Jade where she would be sleeping then Niall brought up her bags then she said she was going to bed and pretty soon after that everyone went to bed.

A/N: I haven't updated much this week but I haven't had time to but hopefully I can again tonight.

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