Chapter 28

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************Donna's P.O.V********

***********1 Week Later*********

Jarica and Louis had the baby home for about a week and they couldn't have been happier one of them always had the baby holding it loving on it and if it wasn't the baby it was each other and I had began to wonder if that's how Harry and I would be it Also made me want to have the baby already and have my own precious baby to love and protect the way Harry is with me I could also tell by the way he interacted with Raeleigh he was going to be a great Dad.


Harry and I walked downstairs to the living room and saw Jarica feeding Raeleigh

"Oh God sorry"Harry said covering his eyes and quickly walked in the kitchen

"Guess I should watch where I feed her at"Jarica said as she handed Louis a small burping rag and he lay it across his shoulder as the handed the baby to him and he burped her

"Probably"I said and she laughed

"Come on let me go see If I scarred Harry for life"She said and we walked into the kitchen and saw Zayn and Harry talking

"I'm sorry"Harry said

"No it's my fault I should of fed her upstairs"Jarica said and smiled and so did Harry then Liam came running down the stairs

"Guys we have to get Jonah to the hospital"He said panting

"Why"Louis asked walking in cradling Raeleigh in his arms

"Her water just broke"He said and everyone's eyes grew wide as she walked down the steps

"Babe I told you I'd come get you"Liam said running to her side

"Liam we have to get to the hospital"She practically screamed

"Okay Okay Harry help me"Liam said then they both carried Jonah out to Liam's Car and the pulled our of the drive way and sped off.

*********2 Hours Later***********

Jarica and I played with the baby and the guys played pool except Niall he stayed with Jarica and I and the baby I think he was missing Jade he always opens up to everyone about his feelings

"You miss Jade don't you"I asked

"Yeah I want her here with me I mean I know her grandmother is sick and all but it seems like ages since I've held her in my arms and cuddled with her at night I just miss it"He said

"I know I don't know what I'd do without Harry"I said and looked at him on the game room and he smiled at me with those dimples he knows I love the the phone rang and I answered

Me: Hello

Liam: We got a baby boy

Me: Are you able to bring him home?

Liam: Yeah we're pulling in the driveway right now

I heard an horn honking and hung up the phone and everyone walked outside except Niall who was holding Raeleigh and then we saw Jonah step out of the car and Liam walked over to the passenger side and helped Jonah get the baby

"He's precious"Jarica said

"He's a little Liam"Louis said

"With Jonah's blue eyes"I added

"What's his name"Harry asked

"His name is Samuel James Payne"Liam said

"Can I hold him"I asked and then Jonah handed Samuel to me

"Can we call him Sam"I asked

"Yeah sure"Liam said

"Alright well I think Sam should be put to bed the doctor said to let him get lots of rest since he's a newborn"Jonah said then her and Liam walked upstairs with Sam and Harry and I followed and went to our room

"I can't wait until we become parents"I said

"Me either I'll have another princess to protect"Harry said and smiled at me

"Our little girls gonna have a good daddy"I said

"And an even better mummy"Harry said as I buried my head in his neck

"I love you"I said

"I love you too"He said and then we soon drifted into a deep sleep

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