Most Scandalous Deal (Chapter 4)

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Then they both heard the scream of a woman at the same time and looked up toward the stairs. Cursing James turned away from her and ran taking the stairs two at time, making his way upstairs. She heard shouting and then a woman who looked like the maid ran down the stairs, crying and went out the door.

Then she watched as Sebastian made his way downstairs walking with a predator like stride. James followed behind him and Isabell let out the breath that she had no idea she was holding.

“What did you do to that poor girl?”

“I do not trust her. She went into my room when I told her not too.”

“She was making your bed, not 'robbing you blind' as you accused her of and where are you going?!”

Sebastian swing around stopping James in his tracks with those steel gray eyes

“Shall we say brother, you have your pleasures...” Sebastian's eyes flicked over to Isabell “and I have mines.” with that statement he slammed the door behind him as he left.

Isabell's cloak was not warm anymore it was on fire and so was her cheeks. She stared at James's back hoping he would not turn around and look at her. Her prayers were answered as James made his way to the staircase but then he stopped and sighed and his shoulders dropped.

“I am going to go see how my coachman is doing. If you need anything just ask the maid.” he said to her and started climbing up the stairs.

panic rose in Isabell as the unpleasant thought of being left alone in the cottage hit her.

“Wait! I want to see how he is doing too. May I also come along?”

He turned around to face her and Isabell wished she had not spoken. Isabell felt pinned under his steel eyed gaze which held so many confusing emotions in it's depth.. She tighten her hands into fist as she wondered why he was taking so long to answer her question and then he did.

“Come along then.”

Sebastian walked into the gambling house, registering for a moment that the whole place was filled with drunk men and prostitutes. He made his way over to a table and sat down looking over at the stage that covered almost the whole house. He watched as the heavy velvet curtains lifted and a back of a woman was presented to him on the stage. She was wearing a ivory dress, her honey blond hair was scandalously loose almost touching the backs of her knee. Sebastian watched as she turned around and murmurs filled the room, he couldn't take his eyes of her face.

He watched as she slowly made her way down the steps of the stage. The dress that she was wearing blended well with her skin making her almost look naked. The flock of men around her parted to each side and she gracefully made her way to the front of the house and as she passed him her eyes momentarily caught his and with a surprise flick of her wrist a feather fan covered the bottom half of her face. She put up her chin and walked by him the trails of her dress touching his foot. He noticed that next to her followed a short and thin boy with a black hat pulled over his face. Just then a drunk man reached out and grabbed the bottom of her dress, falling on his face near her feet. She turned her flashing eyes on him and shouted

“Get up ya' bastard! Get yo' filthy hands off me!”

“Me lady, grace this ol' fool with glorious one night with thee.” he begged as laughter of other men resonated throughout the house

Before she can reply the boy by her side bend down and pulled the poor drunken fool of the floor. Sebastian was surprised to notice that the drunk was full head taller than the boy but he held himself like a fighter as he pushed the man back into the crowd and dusted his hands off. The boy and the lady made their way to the front of the house where the bar was. When they reached their destination the lady was once again swarmed with her admirers but none where allowed to come too close,the boy made sure of that as he stood by her with arms crossed and head down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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