Most Scandalous Deal (Chapter 3)

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Dedication to a reader that looked at my story twice and pointed out that I need to be a little bit more detailed and was not afraid to be truthful....This gave me the inspiration to continue my story with lots of details (from here on) and confidence. Thank you!

Isabell swallowed back the scream that waited to erupt from her. She stared at the pistol frozen to the bone. From behind her she heard another string of curses from James and that actually calmed her down.

“Put it down Sebastian” James muttered

The pocket pistol was still pointed at her. She looked past it and looked into a eyes that looked oddly familiar. Those haunting eyes stared right back at her not blinking one bit. He had a long scar running from the middle of his forehead to his right cheek bone.

“Who is she?” The man's voice was low like he didn't want to raise his voice to startle his prey. Which in this case Isabell has a feeling she was the prey.

“For god sakes, put the damn pistol down! Now!”

He lowered the weapon but he still looked like he was ready to strike if she made any sudden moves. The man didn't move from the door way. It suddenly felt so cold, Isabell started shaking and she couldn't stop her teeth from chattering but she balled her hands in to fists at her side not giving this horrible man the satisfaction of scaring her.

James pushed past her and stood in front of her. She knew he was blocked her from the dangerous man.

“I have a dieing man in my arms and your just standing there wasting my time.”

“Should I care?”

His dangerous eyes were narrowed at James. Isabell felt another blast of cold hit her making her shake.

“Fine. Don't care. Just move the hell out of my way!”

He shoved the man with his shoulder as he stepped into the cottage. Isabell stood there shaking,not looking at the man, still standing in front of her and hating herself once again for looking like a coward. She was confused at why this man pointed the gun at her.

“Who are you?”

She was startled by the poison in his voice. Slowly raising her eyes, she looked into those dead eyes again.

“Miss Rivers. Miss Isabell Rivers. Delighted to make your ac-acquaitance”. She meant to make the last part sound sarcastic but she failed miserably.

He didn't have any bit of emotion on his face, without a invitation he turned his back on her and walked into the cottage. She wanted to step in but her blasted upbringing and years of training kept her rooted to the spot till she got invited in. Isabell stood there shaking in her wet dress, that clung to her like a second skin.

“Why are you still standing out there?”

Before she looked up a heavy, warm clock was draped around her by James. She started once again into a pair of eye that she knew she won't ever forget. All of a sudden a new thought occurred to her.

“He is your brother.” Isabell didn't notice she had voiced her opinion out loud until she saw a glimpse of the open raw pain cross James's face, before it disappeared again.

“How did you know?”

“His eyes, they are just like yours but there is something very different about them. I can see the pain in them, almost like he is haunted by memories.”

As Isabell spoke the last words she could hear the cries of her mother and father as they were murdered by those evil men. She closed her own eyes against the pain. Isabell pulled the cloak closer to her, holding it like a shield again the memories.

“He is my half brother.” with that statement he gently steered her into the warm cottage.

Isabell's feet carried her to the hearth in the corner of the room. She put out her numb fingers toward the burning fire, the warmth seeping into them felt glorious. She felt the tingling of sensation coming back into her hands. She closed her eyes and stepped closer to the warmth, the cloak around her fell off her shoulders but before it hit the ground James caught it.

She felt him behind her and the cloak once again draped around her. She opened her eyes to look into those lazy storm gray eyes once more. This time her eyes wandering south to his finely sculpted mouth.

“Done observing?” his voice was so low almost a whisper and held a hint of amusement.

“I was not-” she started but her words were caught by a fierce kiss by her beast. She tired to pull away but her treacherous hands kept pulling him closer. His warmth engulfed her seeping through her dress, his lips wandered off to her neck littering kisses on the way.

She gasped with equal pleasure and at her improper behavior. Finally, with a surprising strength she didn't know she possessed Isabell pushed him away, in the process she stepped on her dress and began to fall when she was caught by him. Laughter rang out in her ear and she gritted her teeth against the irritation that suddenly filled her.

“You are not very graceful are you, my dear? You seem to be falling into my arms a lot.”

“Let go off me, you beast!”

“As your wish, my lady”

James looked into the fire filled eyes of the beauty in his arms, he still couldn't believe that he kissed her. He only wanted to stop her from lying to him again when he asked her if she was done looking at him with those doe-like eyes. He was startled by the passion that burst out of her when his lips touched hers. James finally steady her before he reluctantly let her go and watched her sticking her nose in the air like nothing happened. He bit his lips to avoid from grinning like a fool.

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