Chapter Five

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Amelia woke up the next day in a unfamiliar cot. Slowly, she sat up; only to see that Steve and James were standing above her and talking. They were talking in hushed tones, and looked over to the opening of the tent once and awhile, they were obviously planning something.

Through the corner of his eye, Steve saw the sleeping woman sit up. Immediately, he stopped talking to James and turned towards her. Sitting down on the bed, the super soldier brushed a few loose hairs out of Amelia's face. "You finally woke up,"

"How long have I been out?" She rubbed her eyes, feeling exhausted and well rested at the same time.

The two men shared a look and James answered with a frown on his face. "Two days... Amy, you shouldn't be-"

"Stop worrying!" She smiled, brushing off their concern. "It was only because I didn't have enough sleep! Nothing more!"

Steve rolled his eyes, flicking the doctor's forehead. "Can't make me stop worrying about you..."

Rubbing her forehead, Amelia grumbled incoherent words and then looked towards her brother. "What were you two talking about?"

"Were just trying to decide what to do with Victor..."

"What do you mean?" She looked between the two soldiers. "Is he in trouble?"

Shaking his head, Steve placed a hand on Amelia's. "No, we were- well, I was thinking about forming an elite group to take down Hydra bases... James and I agree that Victor would be too much of a risk to be put on a team,"

Amelia stared at Steve, letting her mind think. She definitely saw the reasoning... Victor didn't have any compassion or loyalties, all he knew and all he loved was war. He wasn't a man you would want on an elite team because you can't trust him to watch you back... Truthfully? If the other side was winning? Victor would be the first to join them.

Nodding, the doctor ran a hand through her dirty hair. "Your not wrong... I would send him back to the States, honestly. But he would throw a fit about that, I would suggest just handing him over to the place that are getting most of the action... That way we both win."

"That's basically what I said," James nodded.

Steve nodded, then scooted closer to the doctor. "We are leaving for London in a few hours, you might wanna take a shower... You kind of stink." He smirked at her, earning a punch on the arm. Steve laughed and stood up, walking to the exit. "I'll go get Peggy to bring you some clothes."

"Thanks, Steve." Amelia sighed, a content smile on her face.

James waited until the super soldier left to sit down on his sister's cot. They both stared at one another, trying to decide who was going to talk first... Obviously it was James. "So, you and Captain America? Didn't see that coming."

"You didn't see that from your cage?" She asked sarcastically.

"Amelia." He glared, getting serious now.

Letting a groan, the doctor moved her legs to the side of the bed. "He's a really good guy, he makes me smile and he's-"

"Are you going to leave him, too?" James' eyes weren't looking at her, they were just looking straight ahead; unable to meet her eyes. "Like you left Jonathan?"

Her blood ran cold... Just the mention of his name made Amelia's heart ache with a past love. Her breath became labored and she tried to catch her breath, not sure what to do or think.

Her brother still didn't look at her. "Are you going to leave him because you can't handle a family? Can't handle watching all your loved ones die around you? Amy, leaving him destroyed you... It took you almost twelve years to get over him."

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