Chapter Seven

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All she saw at first was darkness... But after blinking a few times, her vision started to come back to her. She was in a white room, her body felt numb; probably from the pain killers. She looked around, trying to find a nurse or doctor. As she looked to her right, her eyes landed on Steve.

He had his chair right next to the bed, his hands interlocked with hers; reading a book. He was wearing his uniform but had long forgotten the jacket and tie.

Amelia studied his face closely, like she hadn't seen it for years. He looked exhausted, bags under his eyes and he was starting to have a makeshift beard. Steve looked like a cave man, but she couldn't help but love him.

Yes, you heard correctly. Amelia loved Steve, she wasn't going to deny that fact or try to tell you the exact moment she had figured it out... Because she can't. Ever since she first met that scrawny kid from Brooklyn she found herself falling more in love with him with each day that passed.

Sighing, the doctor lightly squeezed Steve's hand. "Hey, Captain..."

Steve looked up, shocked by the sudden noise then smiled. He put the book down and kissed her hand, a relieved sigh escaping him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," She said.

"You really scared me there, Amy..." He looked exhausted as he carefully played with her fingers. "Thought I was going to lose you."

Amelia laughed which turned into a groan, but she smiled up at Steve. "It's going to be harder than that to get rid of me, Captain."

Steve didn't reply, he only stared at her with worried eyes. It was like he was having a conflict within himself. But after a moment, the soldier stood up and sat down on the bed; helping Amelia into a sitting position.

"Steve, what's wrong?" Amelia cupped his face with her free hand. "You know you can tell me anything."

"I've been rejected by woman countless times in my life... And it's heart shattering, but that's the risk for love." His eyes never left Amelia's, he needed to get this all out; no matter what happens... Steve needed to tell this beautiful woman how he felt about her. "Amy, I'm not only risking my heart right now... I'm risking my whole life because that's what I want to give you, my whole life."

Tears started to form in her eyes, but she kept them at bay. "Steve, you know that I can't-"

"Amy, I want to share the rest of my life with you." He cut her off, his words making her gasp. Steve leaned forward, taking Amelia's other hand in his and squeezed tightly. "I want to wake up in the mornings, knowing that your mine and fall asleep with you next to me... I want to have a house and kids... I want to have a life with you! Amy... I have fallen so deeply in love with you that there are no words on this earth that could describe how much I love you."

"Steve," She cried, smiling up at him. "I love you."

The super soldier grinned, closing the space between the two. He kissed her gently, not wanting to upset her injuries. Placing his hands at her lower back, Steve pressed her closer to him. Amelia sighed as Steve's chest was being pressed to hers; she ran her hand through his hair and eventually rested at his neck.

Steve's hands ran up her side, exploring her body, but then he pulled away. He didn't go far, but they were both breathless. Steve met Amelia's eyes with confidence. "Marry me..."

"Yes," She laughed, placing a light kiss on his mouth.

A cough at the door broke the couple apart, turning to look who had interrupted them, only to see that the remaining Howling Commandos were in the doorway.

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