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I know I'm being a total dumb jackass right now but please don't hate me. I am bored and I had a feeling that my stories are getting boring too. It's like there's no excitement or something like that. So I thought if you guys can help me like recommending stuff or criticize my work it would help me a lot, and I might understand what I'm doing and not doing. Because to tell you the truth, I don't know what I'm doing in my life and my brain is completely broken. This should actually be a happy thing for you guys! You can literally make fun of my work with my permission!! And I don't mind if you sent out comments like, 'OMG ur story is the most hilarious joke ive eva read! It totally ROFLs my waffles! U must not even kno the definition of story!! HA! U mak mi LOL bcaus of how stoopid u r! FYI u need help on ur grammer!' I total don't mind on what your criticism is like; I just want to know on what you think about this story. For example, something you like about the story, something you dislike about the story, or even what you would like to see in the story! I just want you to know I'm writing this for you guys! I first I started wattpad because I was just bored and wanted to kill time, but when I noticed that there was more people reading my story (I'm not braging or anything) I was so happy!(>v<) I thought I'll only get at least ten people. But now I got up to 500 of you guys (again I am not braging) and I'm so thankful and happy a tear escaped from my eye; and believe me, I don't cry at all. So please tell me about what you think about this sonadow story. Oh yes, I almost forgot, I wonder if you remember the time I said I'll create another story? Yeah, about that I decided I'll make it when I'm done with this one. But if you really want me to make a different story I'll think about it. It might be another yaoi thing or some would say boyxboy thing. It would most likely be a HoozukixHakutaku fanfic, if you don't know what I'm talking about it's okay. Don't force yourself to read, reading is for fun! If you hate my story then don't read it; or at least criticize me or something. Anyways I have a feeling I'm giving you guys too much bull$h!t you don't want to hear, well more like read, and I apologize. But enough of that, I hope you have good day or night, and read and love this story; if you don't that's fine with me, I won't judge or say anything. And now for ANIMEMANGO the ultimate dumb@$$ being stupid and bored!!!

  ∧,,∧ butts i just ❤these things
⊂ノ  ニつ
('(' ノ
 || ノ


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  _| ⊃/(___
/ └-(____/
I woke up like dis, flawless!

     ∧ ∧
 ( _(,,・∀・)

No need to fear, supercat is here!

::|  \
::| 、_ \
::| (●) \
::|人_)⌒:: |
::|⌒'  /
(⌒ー―′ )
Hi I'm the one who stalks you all day and night.

'(〃・∀・) Happy
 / 〇〇〃Birthday
For whoever has a birthday today!

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Okay, I'm done now. I had my fun. So the next time I see you guys is when the next chapter of "Irresistable" and I can't promise you it will be updated fast, but I will as soon as possible! Well, until then byebye~! ANIMEMANGO had a good time talking with you guys!!

IRRESISTIBLEWhere stories live. Discover now