Chapter Forty Three

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Forty Three


Things that happened:


192 hours before the beach party.

I was woken up by Arliane's call, as per usual. There's also a white letter again. I never bothered to read it and I just immediately throw it to the waste can. I immediately took a shower and dressed myself with my lazy day clothes, black sweatpants and a Ramones top. This was a very unproductive day because Arliane is busy with her family, Joanne is not yet back, Andrea is not calling me, and none of the lads are ringing me either.

So, all I did was to be on Twitter. Replied to some nice people and also followed them. I also went to watch some movies on my laptop. I was literally just on top of my bed for the whole day, just changing positions from cross-legged to superman style to lying down and to just sitting shotgun. I sometimes just get out of my bed if I need to pee or if I am hungry so, for sure, I have gained 1000 calories today. 


168 hours before the beach party.

Same routine. Arliane waking me up at six in the morning, taking a shower and dressing myself in my lazy day clothes which are now consisted of gray sweatpants and a plain purple tank top. A white letter being throw to the waste can. Then breakfast, bacon and eggs and orange juice. Twitter, talked to some people there and also followed some. Watched Sherlock Holmes and find Robert Downey Jr. very attractive which made me want to steal him from his wife but I'll leave that task for Christine to do. 

Louis texted once. He said hi and asked what was I doing, I replied saying that I am not doing anything that could stop the depletion of the ozone layer or in simple words, I'm not doing anything productive. He just sent me a ":))))" and not texted anything anymore. After eating dinner, I decided to doze of early which is very unusual for me.


144 hours before the beach party.

Since I slept early last night, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning the next day. I texted Arliane to not wake me up anymore because I already am awake. I decided to wear a hoodie and grabbed my earphones. I wore a pair of rubber shoes and decided to take a morning run to atleast lessen the calories I have consumed. As I set foot on the pavement and started, Chris Brown's Turn Up The Music played. I put my songs on shuffle so as I rounded the corner, Swedish House Mafia's Don't You Worry Child featuring John Martin is playing.

After dozens of songs, I jogged back home and charged my phone. Another white letter was put and you already know where it was all stored. I rested for a while then took a shower. My lazy day clothes are a white tank top, yellow jacket, and a navy blue sweat pants. 

As per usual, Twitter business, then watched Skyfall, then back to Twitter. I finished seven packs of Oreos. What the hell? I'm such a pig.


120 hours before the beach party.

Just like what happened last Thursday. But my lazy day outfit is a grey Vans hoodie and blue shorts. 


96 hours before the beach party.

The morning routine was the same, this day, I wore a white long sleeved shirt and grey shorts. In the afternoon, I decided to finish reading Clockwork Angel which by the way is a property of Arliane Reamer. I have been reading that for months already. And this time, I finally finished it and I could finally return it back to her. So, I put my hair up in a high pony tail and wore my white Vans. I grabbed some money from my savings and ran to the nearest bookstore. 

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