Chapter 7- The Heart Never Lies

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Chapter 7- The Heart Never Lies

Klover's POV

I slowly sat back down after looking into Kelly's eyes. They were teary something I hadn't really seen much of when we were kids growing up. She was always the strong one, she never let her guard down but now? All her cards had been revealed. You could seen the pain and morose alive in her blue orbs. She met eyes with mine before turning her head and running out. 

I looked down at my cheeseburger and fries pushing it aside, quickly losing my appetite. It seemed to occur to me that I was feeling an emotion for her and that was sympathy. I had been there once, but sympathy vanished quickly, remembering that she was the very reason I had been rejected just like now I was the very reason she had gotten rejected. I smirked silently to myself seeing the karma unfold.

But how could I be happy about such a thing when Mason sat across from me looking so miserable. He couldn't have her because of me, because of our history. I was the reason for his unmistakable misery. How could I go on, knowing that I was the cause of it?

I shook these thoughts realizing that this wasn't about Mason or Kelly or anyone for that matter. This was about me and what I had to straighten out. As far as I'm concerned what I just witnessed was nothing but a big misunderstanding because there was no way I was letting other peoples emotions getting in the way of why I was really here. I sighed.

I got up from the table and in tow Hunter did as well. He wanted to talk. I silently said my goodbyes to everyone before grabbing my uneaten cheeseburger and fries and throwing it away in the trash. I left the cafeteria quite early and made my way to my locker. 349. I opened it ignoring the fact that Hunter was on my side watching my every move. 

I was reaching for my books for the next class when Hunter grabbed my hand misleading me from the hard textbooks to his cheek. I offered a small smile before molding my body into his. We fit so well and it almost made me wonder if I would feel this way with Brad. What am I saying, I thought. That'll never happen. 

I looked into Hunter's eyes and felt like crying but I stopped myself from the immediate humiliation that I knew I would feel if I did. But all I wanted, all I wanted from him is what I had been craving since the day we got here was the sweet sensation of his lips on mine. 

With no words said though, he crashed his lips on mine, with no tease, no introduction. I wasn't at all surprised at this because if he hadn't of, I would have. I wrapped my arms around his neck letting his hands snake around my waist. Our lips exchanging words of conversation, tongues entering and leaving. 

Breathless was I when we pulled away. "Everything's gonna be okay," he assured. These were the very words that I needed to hear, he always knew what to say. I nodded.

The bell rang making me jump and allowing Hunter to only smile. Students filled the halls and so did my anger as I realized our spare moment was gone. He kissed my cheek like he knew exactly what I was thinking. I sighed and turned to get the rest of my books and then closed my locker. 

I shook my head smiling as I held his hand and walked with him down the hall to our second to last class. History. 

"So hows the revenge going?" Hunter asked curiously. I quickly let go of his hand, and nudged him hard with my elbow. 

"Ow!" His hand went to his side. He growled lowly. "What was that for?"

I giggled. "Your too loud,"I said simply walking a bit faster to 201. He had a hard time catching up but when he did he only glared at me. I giggled while opening the door to Mr. Smith's room. Mr. Smith looked up from the daily newspaper that he was reading and frowned at all the "ruckus" is what he would say. His eyes seemed to widen when he saw me.

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