Chapter 15- The Final Judgement

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Chapter 15- The Final Judgement

Frightened. Scared. Panicked. 

They ran loosely and easily to the house I once called home. And how could I blame them as I stayed frozen, hoping to understand what was coming our way. There wasn't a scent to them, not a single feature I recognized. They were strange creatures, creatures I had never seen before and like everyone else I was frightened, scared, panicked.

A man, if I could even call him that, led the four men behind him. His skin was different than the rest of his men. His was scaly as if his skin had been pieced back together. It wasn't as smooth looking as the men behind him. They all had horns resting on the top of their head although the leaders' horns were shaped differently. They were curled outwards instead of inwards like the others. 

I was alarmed but so intrigued at the sight of them. As if I had seen them before, as if we had known each other. As if we had all known them. My pack was just as entranced in them as I was.

The men suddenly stopped and I couldn't help but begin to walk, we couldn't help but come closer. One step at a time.



"Klover!" a persistent call at my name couldn't stop me. It couldn't stop us. We had to know who they were because something had told us that we had already met. 

The man smiles, revealing werewolf-like set teeth but with a vampire sharpness to the front, they too were curled like the horns on his head. His eyes were black, a venomous black that even I couldn't explain to myself. As if a dark power absorbed him, I was suddenly out of the trance, I was awake.

My feet stopped, just a couple feet for distance between us. I wanted answers, didn't we all?

"Who are you?" it was less of a demand, and more of curiosity.

"I am Troy, prince of Delucas," his voice was raspy and yet strong. "And I've come to deliver a message."

"And what would that be?" I ask, unconcerned with his identification.

"It's taken me a really long time to find you and your runaways," he says.

"Excuse me?" I irritatingly ask. I wasn't the only one irritated or annoyed, as he progressed from being stoic to immediate disgust.

"Mommy and daddy thought they could just send you away as if that would stop my king from finding you. As if you could really escape my father," he scoffs. "Well I have news for you and your pathetic friends, this war wasn't over then and it isn't over now."

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't even know you!" I take a step forward as he tries to leave. Immediately the men behind him who I've now realized are his bodyguards, make a move in my direction with not so nice faces. They were treating me like I was a threat. And the way he was making it sound, I was.

Troy turned to study me long and hard and I was having trouble understanding why. He smirked.

"They've been keeping you in the dark this whole time, haven't they?"

"Who is 'they', what are you talking about?! I swear, if you don't tell me what's going on or why you're here, you're gonna seriously regret it. And that's a threat," my eyebrow furrows into one another. Troy doesn't take me seriously and laughs instead. 

"There's no need for that, not today at least," he mutters. 

"What does that even mean?"

"It means you won't win."

"Are serious, do you know who we are?"

"We?" he questions. "Look around Klover! You stand alone."

I opened my mouth to speak but immediately close it once I take a look behind me, my pack isn't here. My old pack isn't here, neither is the backyard or the house or anything remotely similar. 

"Where am I?"

"You're in-between worlds, our world and theirs."

"My world is earth--"

"No it's not. You were sent here, I know you know that." I don't say anything, because that much I know is true.

"My father has waited years for this and now he's finally going to get it after all. Since my father can't have yours, he'll simply have to settle for you instead."

"I don't understand," I stutter. His vile smile appears yet again and this time I'm horrified. Suddenly I'm unsure of myself and everything I thought I knew. 

"In thirty days, I will be back to collect what rightfully belongs to my father and if you so decide to step in my way, I will take everything you've ever loved away from you. I will make you regret the day your father decided to cross mine," he spoke with promise. 

"Thats something you won't win," I mange to grunt. He smirks at my child-like behavior before grabbing my face and digging his nails into my cheeks. I whimper and struggle in his grip. He studies my face and secretly revels in his control over me.

"Oh the Bessells, always saying things you couldn't possibly mean," his voice drips with danger in every word. "You're stubborn just like your sister," he drops me to the ground. My hand immediately consoles my face.

"I have a sister," I whisper. He laughs more to himself than anything.

"You mean they didn't tell you that either, some pack you have," he taunts. "But then again, you haven't told them your little secret either, have you?"

I don't say anything. He turns around and walks in the other direction, in an abyss is what it looks like. His men walk through first. "Remember what I said Klover, thirty days. You have thirty days."

A tear rolls down my cheek and stings the new wound that refuses to heal. "Why are you doing this to us?" I cry.

He stops before walking out of the in-between, "It's time that the children of Acronia get what they deserve. It's time for the beloved royalty to get what's coming to them. It's time," he pauses before walking into the abyss. 

"For the final judgement".


hey guys! how'd you like that chapter?! who is this troy guy? what in the world is he talking about? why does he want revenge? klover has sister, say whaaaaaaaaaaat? all thoughts you must be thinking, am i right?

if you would like to know when the next updates are happening then just click the follow button on my profile and or add this lovely story to your library. if you would like to encourage me as a writer then feel free to give this chapter a gold star (in other words vote) and comment what you think happened between troy and klover's fathers!

other than that folks have a great rest of your day and I will be back with another UPDATE NEXT TUESDAY (6/20)!


ashley collins

p.s. please please comment, it's literally so encouraging, you guys don't even know! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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