The Dream?

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        Jason woke up in a large open plain, no trees, no village, just tall grass. He stood up and tried to yell for help but he heard nothing but the soft breeze. Then a looming shadow engulfed the area around him, then he was swollen by the darkness and saw the demon king above him and the giant mouth of the creature opened and screeched "YOU MUST DIE JASON SALEM." Then Jason jolted awake and sent his covers flying. Jennifer looked at him as she walked into the sitting room with apple juice dripping from her chin and an apple core floating in a purple ghostly ball. "Morning Jase," said Jennifer as she threw the core away and drank a little bit of water. "What time is it?" Asked Jason. "About 1:45," Jennifer said looking at the small clock in the corner. Jason was surprised that he slept in that long, he ran and drew the curtains to see nothing but a large black and red figure blocking the sun. "Jason help!" Yelled a young woman in the beast's hand "Jason Salem come to get her from my lair in 5 days or she will die!!" Yelled the large figure and then it disappeared. In the hours to follow Jason got no sleep and didn't eat or talk to his teammates, he sat there wondering what to make of the dream. Every hour of the day went on to reveal that the dream may have been a reality. At 3:30 he found a female shoe that was nearly singed, at 4:50 he found written in blood 5 days left Jason Salem. Then he knew who the shoe and the blood were from...

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