Chapter Five - All Hope Is Lost

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Ally realizes that he can't keep going the way she is. She isn't motivated at all to do her homework and the only thing that makes her want to get up in the morning is seeing James and talking with her friends. If Brian would allow her to she can now go days without thinking about him.

She can't tell if any of the arguments she has with him are making it worse or not. What she does know is that it hurts when he keeps blaming her and she cuts over it, but the next thing you know he says he's sorry and it's his fault a week later. Why has she put up with this for six months other than the fact that she is afraid of him slightly. It doesn't help that he will most likely make her seem like a slut by telling people all the sexual things he would do with her. She didn't want any of that he practically forced her! She's so frustrated and lost.

She takes out her summer work and tries to work on it, but only gets a few of the English questions before she gives up and uses Google. What am I going to do, she thought.


She calls up James to try and relax, but he's out working on his pickup truck. God I can't wait till I can go atving with him. Fucking redneck life, she thought as she silently laughs to herself.

      Ally slips on her boots and goes outside to go next door to her friend Emily's house. They are practically sisters.

      She texts James to come over and to hurry his ass up because why not.

      As soon as he gets there Ally becomes shy, but still the outgoing redneck she is. They hang out before he has to go home and then she gives him a hug as she goes inside for dinner.


      Not only is James sweet and kind, but he understands her situation. He has been there when his mom died a few years back. Ally is just dealing with depression more than he did even though her uncle died over 3 or 4 years ago.

      All she can to is thank god she met him. With Brian stalking her nonstop she needed someone there for her.


      Ally calls up a couple of her friends on Skype to play some video games and played all night ignoring any texts she got no matter who it's from.

      She gets off at around 1:30pm to find a few texts from Brian. She doesn't have the best conversation......

Ally: Sorry....I was busy with chores..

Brian: I know you weren't doing chores you were playing CSGO.

Ally:  Sorry but I wanted to play with them is that a problem

Brian: Yeah it is when you PROMISED to talk to me AGAIN

Ally: You know since my concussion I've had bad memory babe

Brian: Whatever

Ally: Not this again Brian

Brian: Whatever

Ally: Fine bye


      Ally plopped down on her bed in frustration and anger towards herself. If only I had better memory he wouldn't get mad at me. This is all my fault, she thought has she took out her blade and cut a bit around her ankle.

      She went into the bathroom to clean up the wounds and make sure she could hide them and also make sure they look like cat scratches.

      Ally cursed out loud at herself and went to bed, but didn't fall asleep for a while. She finally cried herself to sleep in hopes of fixing everything tomorrow.

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