Changing Realities: Pt 3

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A few days later


Sjin whistled as he made his way around a particularly large mountain. One thumb was hooked behind the straps of his overalls while he hauled a large bag with his other hand. The bag contained vast amounts of supplies, hopefully all he would need on this journey.

He stopped as the extreme hills dropped off and changed into a beautiful plains biome. He dropped the bag at this feet and rubbed his hands together. The field would need to be shaped and cleared, and then he would begin to build.

As he ran a hand through his hair, Sjin thought back to the day the world had shifted. Minty was back at the Captive Creeper, safe and sound. Today was a day of new beginnings, and he had left the dirt factory behind to find new land. He had an idea, one that would take a lot of time, energy, and dedication. Sjin was going to Feed the World.


Sips surveyed the damage done to the dirt factory. Sand was piled against the windows of some of the buildings, and he could see machine parts scattered everywhere. He sighed and continued his walk to the edge of the compound.

He frowned at the thought of all their work having been destroyed. Of course, he and Sjin could rebuild the factory. The sand would be a pain to remove, and the machines would have to be replaced. Sips paused as he recalled that Sjin had gone off to start a farm far away. Everyone will probably be moving to a new area.

Sips clambered over the wall of the compound and looked to the rising sun. The others had invited him to join in their adventure, and he decided he might as well go. The compound sat silent as the lone figure made his way towards new territory.


Lomadia walked through the forest back towards her sanctuary. The world sat silent, so strange compared to the night before. Everything had settled, leaving some areas devastated and others utterly transformed. As she walked, she began to wonder how her home would look. Would she have to start fresh like most people were? Could she salvage anything?

She sighed at the thought of all her hard work being destroyed. Everyone else must feel the same, having spent so long building their homes.

Not for the first time, Lomadia found herself thinking about the night before. After breaking through the marble walls of the factory, she found Xephos and Honeydew on the floor, unmoving. Sand had been piling around them, and the machines had been exploding and blasting dangerous bits of metal about. Everything after that was a blur as she somehow and managed to get them out of the building as the world stopped heaving. People had flooded there that night, looking for answers.

Only one had them, and he wasn't willing to tell everything.

Lomadia continued her journey through the forest with thoughts racing. This world was full of new things, but would it all be good?


Lalna flipped a switch, and was then hovering in the air. The jet pack on his back sputtered, and for a moment he was falling. Then the jets sprung to life and he hovered evenly. Lalna sighed in relief and then scowled at the foul smell the machine emitted.

"At least it still works," he muttered to himself.

With the ease of an experienced flier, Lalna flew past his castle and in a random direction. He was on the hunt for new land; land full of magic and fresh resources. With the shift in the world, the places everyone had been located were outdated. All the new things the shift had to offer were located in new chunks of the world.

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