White Christmas

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A fluffy/christmassy ridgephos fic for Curls101

Xephos peered out of the foggy window, trying to make out the scenery below. He pulled his sleeve up and wiped the glass, allowing him to see a bit more clearly. The vegetation was covered in frost - but no snow. He sighed, upset that there probably wouldn't be a white Christmas at this rate. He got up and entered the study, where he found Ridgedog flipping through the worn pages of a history book. The spaceman flopped down into an armchair unceremoniously.

"Something bothering you, Xeph?" Ridge asked, not glancing up from his book.

"It hasn't snowed yet, and tomorrow's Christmas," Xephos grumbled, wondering to himself why it was suddenly so important to him.

Ridgedog raised an eyebrow at him. "Why is it so important?"

"Well, I- it's just-" He stuttered. "It's our first Christmas together, you know, and I was just hoping it'd be..."

"Perfect?" Ridge finished for him.

"Yeah," Xephos sighed.

Ridgedog closed his book and floated over to his partner, and moved behind him. Wrapping his arms around Xephos, he whispered: "I think it's perfect as long as we're together."

Xephos laughed and turned around. They kissed briefly before Ridge pulled away, returning to his book. "Everything will be fine, Xeph," he looked up and winked. "I promise."


The next morning, Xephos rolled over as he began to wake up, only to find Ridgedog was not beside him. He sat up quickly, old instincts feeding the fear in his heart. It was quickly dashed away when Ridge appeared in the doorway.

"Finally," he laughed. "I wondered if you were ever going to get up." Xephos smiled and got out of bed, glancing at the fogged up windows. "You're going to love your present," Ridge smirked. "Put on something warm."

Xephos did as he asked, and met Ridge by the exit. "Close your eyes." He felt Ridge's warm hand slip into his cold one. He was guided outside, where it was freezing even though he was wearing something warm. He shivered as Ridgedog instructed him to open his eyes.

There was nothing but white. Everything was blanketed in snow. The trees and buildings, the clouds were still letting out the last of it. Little snowflakes danced around them, and Xephos laughed, turning to his partner.

"You did this?"

All Ridge did was smile, accepting Xephos' hug and multiple kisses.

"We should probably go inside, you know," He dragged the spaceman back towards the entrance. "We can come back out later."

"Thank you, Ridge." He took in the scenery for another moment. "It's perfect."

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