Not My Day

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I grab my stuff for Biology and head down to the West wing for study group. I wish I had this after Biology, then it would be a better way to settle down and be less tense at the end of the day.

I walk into the library and plop all of my stuff into my usual secluded spot at the back corner of the room. I hate the middle. If you sit in the middle of the room, everyone talks and gets in one another's business, something I try to avoid, so I sit back here. I also like it because it's right next to a window and I can see the good town of Garner, North Carolina right here in this spot.

I often gaze out the window and stare at the zooming cars drive past this old bank right outside.

I pull out my Algebra 2 homework and get to work. I've always been a little behind in math, so I always get extra help and, sadly, more homework.

I look down at the super long math problem and sink my head into my hands. I hate this. Why can't I be smart in math and dumb in something else. It would make my life a whole lot easier.

I hear someone walk over and drop their stuff next to me.

"You? Dreading work? I thought I'd never see the day. " I hear an all too familiar voice say. Today is not my day.

"Please don't mess with me. I'm begging you, Parker. " I groan.

"I know, sweetheart, unfortunately I was moved to this class and I was told that if I sit with that group over there I was going to be sent to the principal's office. I don't need another referral. My dad will kick my ass. Anyways, I just didn't want to be alone. " He says, flinging a small eraser at the librarian's head.

"Hey. " I hiss. "Don't do that. That's mean. "

"Whatever. You have to admit that's funny. Her hair is so teased she doesn't even notice the eraser is stuck in it. " Parker says, looking at me with a sideways grin.

"Ok. Maybe. " I admit, biting my lip so I wouldn't give in to the grin that wanted to be plastered on my face.

I look back at my homework as Parker pulls out some work that I'm surprised he is even going to do and get frustrated once more. I run my hands through my hair and stare at the unsolved math problem that I've only managed to write down on a piece of lined paper.

"Damn it. " I curse under my breath.

"Did you just cuss?" Parker looks at me and smiles.

"Quietly. "

"You never cuss. "

"Maybe not out loud, but I do in my head all the time. Especially at you. " I snap.

I don't know why everyone thinks I'm some sort of goody-two-shoes who does nothing wrong. Even Avril told me I am. I refused to date anyone until my Senior year and here I am, Senior year, but still single. Sure, I've made out with a few guys before, but they didn't officially ask me on a "date".

I've done other bad things, too. I skipped working at Target once and I got in a lot of trouble. I didn't do my chores once and no one cared. I cuss in my head ALL the time. And I say mean things to Parker constantly, so I know he knows I'm not a goody-two-shoes. If he doesn't then he's stupid. And considering he is, he probably actually thinks I am.

"True. I cuss out loud more than in my head. It would help if I didn't. " He looks over at my work and his face lights up. "I love doing that. That's the one thing I'm good at in school.

"See? As much as I'd love to think so, you aren't as dumb as a box of rocks. " I look him in the eyes. "The one thing I suck at you succeed. We are total opposites..."

"I guess. " Parker shrugs. "Need help?"

I blush and look down at my paper, tapping my eraser furiously on it.

"It's ok to ask for help, ya dummy. " He whispers to me.

I look up at him quickly before looking back down at my paper. I never thought I would be getting help from one of the baddest boys in this school. Especially from Parker Adams.

"I....yes. I do. " I admit.

"Ok. You have to multiply by this number on each side to simplify it first. " He says, looking down at the math.


"To simplify it. "

"" I feel so stupid. Why can't the math gear just click in place with all of the other gears in my head?

Parker grabs my pencil from my hand and starts explaining it in a simpler, easier way than my math teacher, Ms.Rodgers, ever has. By the end of the fifty minute period I can solve these equations like a professional.

I'm thankful Parker helped me, which I told him. What I didn't tell him was that I actually enjoyed his company. I don't even believe myself. If Parker would just act like this all of the time, then maybe I would actually consider falling for him and admitting to him that he gives me the shivers or whatever the hell he did to me at lunch today.

I know his normal behavior won't last long though. As soon as tomorrow comes and a brand new day starts, he will be right back to being a butt again. A side of him I am much more comfortable with. A side I'm much more accustomed to. Today was too weird to put into words. I'm not going to tell Avril though.

If she heard about this she would flip out and tell me all these things like how it's "meant to be", "destined to be", or "bound to be. " Honestly, that girl has been trying to get us to hook up for as long as I can even remember. And as long as I can remember, I've always told her it'll never happen.

Oh well. It won't.

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