Chapter Four

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A/N: I .. So.. Tired but I hope the last chapter was good because I was half asleep *YAWN* so ya hoped you liked it VOTE , COMMENT, FAN!! Back to Reality!


"ugh! When is line gonna move! " the Julia with glasses groaned. While the others made small talk to pass the time.

I fidgeted with the artificial necklace the man gave me. I stared at it intently tracing the foreign description with my eyes. Maybe new my companions would know.

"um do you know what this is?" I asked pulling the necklace outward.

"oh that's a backstage pass," Rebecca answered politely.

"we've got one to!"she said while trying to display theirs with one hand. But I was interrupted with a vibration in my back pocket. I pulled it out without knowing the consequences. I couldn't read well as everyone else.

I tapped the button that was pronounced 'call' and brang the dark object to my ear.

"hello sweetheart! I heard ya got a new name" he sang a little too cheerily.

"yes but how did you know that?" I muttered glancing back over my shoulder making sure my new companions didn't hear.

"let's just say I'm everywhere, but no where to be found. I'm lost but know my way around, do ya get that sweetheart that's just so you know I'm always watching." I felt my body tense at the statement I felt the color flush from my face.

Now I truly know what kind of person this man was his sarcasm and good looks made him harmless and easily trusted now I've seen the inner-self and heard the ugly truth. I felt unstable and unable to hold myself up.

"whoa you look like your gonna pass out or something!" the Julia with glasses exclaimed as the two others turned to me and examining my face.

The Julia without glasses placed her hand on m forehead. I was so shaken by his comment and trembling with fear. The fact that this man could be watching my every move and knowing what I say is terrifying.

"are you alright?" she asked with a concerning look plastered on her face.

"must be nervous energy meeting one direction huh?" she said I nodded and mumbled a 'yes' as response.

"here's a of bottle water" she said while searching in her bag an handing It to me. At that exact moment the line was moving.

"finally!" they said in a sigh of relief.

"were gonna meet one direction, were gonna meet one direction," Rebecca chanted as Julia danced. But the one with glasses was doing her own thing chanting a completely different song.

"I'm gonna get Kendall's number, I'm gonna get Kendall's number," I chuckled at their strange movements.

As we moved closer towards the entrance the loud squeals and the screaming disrupted my ears.

"why are they screaming!?" I yelled trying to project louder than the crowd to Julia and Rebecca.

"for one direction!" they in-sync.

"get your tickets out girls!" Rebecca screamed as she pulled hers out of her back pocket. I did the same.

"what do we now?" I asked whoever was willing to answer

"We wait our turn then give the man the tickets," I nodded and mumbled a 'thank you'. To Julia (glasses).

When it was finally my turn I handed the tall man muscular my ticket he nodded and I proceeded to the entrance...

A/N: woo hooo!!!! I finished chapta four ! And I'm exhausted ! I'll update soon love you *mwah*! Back to Reality


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