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I was on the ride called SuperFlight ( whoever has been to Playland in New York i know title you as a boss in my mind comment if you did go there :] ) With Danyeri , Ryan, and Desire when i was looking down and i saw a guy looking straight at me his eyes were pitch black and he had a mohock he look oddly familiar. I locked eyes with him and he smirked but not a playful smirk but an evil one. I shivered but hopeing noone notice. After the ride i went to the bathroom i was fixing my bikini top which was black with blue polka dots and fixed my bun and bangs when i heard the door to the bathroom opened my head snapped to the direction but no one was there. I inhaled and use my powerful nose and i smelled and aroma of pine and mint . I was looking around but i felt a woosh of wind and i saw a black figure. I panicked , grabbed my bag and ran out of the bathroom but i felt as someones stare was burning hole in my back and i shivered again . *where are you guys?* i asked through mind link. *At the double shot ride* Ryan replied instantly.

I ran to the Double shot in a fast speed hoping noone noticed my not normal speed. I arrived at the ride and saw my besties and sister in line i walked to them and smiled. We got on the ride and i was talking to Desire "Why were you in the bathroom so long?" She asked. "Oh nothing just fixing my hair and stuff" I responded then sighed and looked away. She looked at me with a curious face shook her head an looked away. Suddenly the ride went up and i couldnt breath but i was laughing at how Rylan and Ryder were screaming it was high pitched and girly. I was laughing on the whole ride and when we got out I start making fun and teasing Ryder and Rylan and mimicking them. They grunted and sighed all the way.

While in the car way home i was texting my cousins. When i got a message from an unknown number I read it

' Dear My Sweet Brittani,

Very sad how you dont remember me, How much i loved you . But you rejected me , i was depressed for months I studied you so now i know alot about you. Did you like that scare in the bathroom? Because i sure did. See you soon.



I was scared. Scratch that Terrified , i tried to remember someone that loved me but i rejected I kept thinking and thinking. Will he hurt my family or pack? Will he kidnap me? Will he harm me? Is it revenge he wants? I kept thinking questions like that all the way home. We arrived at our lovely home an i saw Hunter and Alex come out of the house and they came up to me and my sister. "I missed you!" Hunter whispered in my ear as he hugged me. "Me too" I responded whispering in his ear. He looked down at me since he was 6'2 and we locked eyes. I got on my tippy toes wrapped my arms around his necked, he started to lean in and shut his eyes bu instead of kissing him i put my hand on his mouth and rubbed it all over his lips her opened his eyes. Humour flashed through his eyes. "So you wont give me a kiss ill just have to steal one " He said as he smirked. * A war is about to start the boys against us lets see if they can get a kiss from us!* i sent through mind link only to the girls. They sent me smirks or ok's. *On 3 we run! 1...2......3! * We all busted into a run and we ran into My room which has a secret tunnel to another room that noone knows about. "Come out Come out were ever you want our sweet girlfriends!" Our boyfriends said at the same time. Me and the girls looked at each other and laughed.

We heard footsteps go to the door and then the boys started to bang on the door. "No body is home" Me and Danyeri said at the same time in the Mexican cleaning lady voice from American Dad. The other girls started to crack up. "We know you are in there let us in or the punishment would be worse!" Hunter warned. "We are not going to let you in Babe! If you guys get us we would do anything you say for a week! Deal?" I said. "Deal!" They boys agreed . I motioned my sister and friends to the secret room i made the pack witch chant so noone can see it only i can. We walked in and started to chill out in the secret room full of our favorite snacks and Tv

2 Hours Later............


We stood out of the door pick locking it for and hour or so when we finally unlocked it . I looked aroun the room and they were gone. I sniffed the air and i found the scent of Cinnamon rolls and sugar i followed the scent and it ended at a wall i knocked on the wall and it was hollow. There is a tunnel or something behind that wall. I motion the boys to the wall . "On 3 kick that wall as hard as you can 1...2.........3!!!!" I screamed we kicked the wall and it broke we walked into the tunnel. Alex peeked around the cornered wall and whispered "They are eating and watching TV." We all nodded. Since it was dark in the room we all creeped up on our own mates and covered there mouth and eyes pulled them out of the tunnel as they struggled and scream we let go of there mouth and we kissed our mates "Found you" I whispered as our lips separated. She smiled. Finally the War ended and us guys get to tell them what to do starting tomorrow . I smiled at the thought.





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