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3 Years Later

It felt like yesterday we were all 14 (i changed it sorry ;] ) And we joined the Crimson Moon pack. Me and Danyeri are both Beta's of the pack (dont judge i do stuff my own way) Ryan was the Alpha. Ive been stuck in my room for hours . I was just rejected by my Mate Jordy I know sad right he said and i quote "Your a fat ugly pig! I Jordy Vasquez reject Brittani Jaquez!!" He then look at me in disgust and started to make out with the pack slut Aubrey. Danyeri has been aking care of me for the few hours. i finally got the Strength to get up and face Jordy. I walked into the hallway were Jordy's room was "I BRITTANI JAQUEZ ACCEPT THE REJECTION FROM JORDY VASQUEZ!" i screamed i felt a pain form in my chest. I groaned and stayed there for a while till it went away. I then walked to my sisters room, opened the door and hugged her *I love you sis* i said through the mind link *i love you to* she responded i pulled away and she had a shocked face and my face mirrored hers. Her face was different instead of light honey brown hair she had Red brownish hair with black touches at the bottom and was in big silky curls, instead of her tall figure which was 5'8 she was 5'4 , she no longer had chubbiness it was now a flat ok stomach , she had no achne now, but her eyes stayed the same. "Oh my gosh your face!!" we both screamed. We ran to her bathroom and looked into the mirror. I had black hair with red brownish touches at the bottom but my hair wasnt curly it was straight. I had plump lips instead of flat ones, my rib cage was no longer showing and i have curves and a flat stomach. And i had cheek bones and the same eyes.

We walked into the kitchen and saw my whole "Family " there and they all looked different.

Ryan~ Black wavy hair , flat curvy stomach, and was now 5'6 , she had the same eyes

Ryder~Brown hair , eight pack, biceps,and all those good stuff and he was now 6'1

Rylan~ Honey brown hair , 6'1 , and a eight pack and biceps.

Desire~ Beautiful long dirty blond curly hair , Same eyes, flat curvy stomach, 5'1

The rest of the pack came out looking shocked at us and informed us with some shocking news "uumm a pack called saying th-they n-need our h-help" A boy stuttered . "What pack?" i growled. "Th-the F-forever Gr-een Pack" he said with a nervous voice as he shut his eyes close. Me and my 'Family ' all growled loud and deep. It even scared me. OH IDEA!!! "Thats great" I spoke . They looked at me in shock *we will teach them a lesson since we are the strongest warriors in the pack we will train them and scare them * i sent through mind link with them. The smirked with me


I packed all my stuff . And lugged my two giant luggage downstairs i was wearing red ripped short shorts , a black superman crop top , and my Jordan 9 Playoffs. I walked downstairs and greeted my sister and friends . when it was time to leave we decided to go on our motor cycles.

I got onto my Black and Blue motorcycle . Danyeri got onto her Purple and black. And it went on like that . Ryan was in the lead since she was Alpha , Me and Danyeri on the side of her since we are the Beta's and Ryder and Rylan in the back with Desire.

I saw the old Pack house it was ugly i can tell you. It was covered in dirt i *guess they cant get nothing done without us* i said through mind link *so true* my family responded. We came closer to the pack house and saw the old Alpha standing there his name was Blaze he rejected Danyeri a while back when they found out they are mates.


I saw some of the pack come in on there expensive motorcycles .I wonder if there are any hot girls. We never clean a thin in this house we dont know how . Those slaves escaped us when i was making out with Samantha my girlfriend. Speaking of the Devil. "Baby are they here yet i cant wait to show them how better looking i am then them and how i am the strongest!" she said in her high pitched voice. I rolled my eyes and laughed. The pack approached and got off there motorcycles. They looked so familiar. A girl cam up to me she was hot!! She wore a gold crop top and black booty shorts with the Retro 7's in gold and black. She smirked at me and said. "Hi im Alpha Ryan Smith of the Crimson Moon pack. " i swear my eyes went as huge as plates. Two girl came up and they were twin Oh my Gosh God save me i dont think i can survive with this hotness!! "Hi im Brittani Jaquez the Beta of this pack" She smirked and my eyes went 10x huge. "Hi im Danyeri Jaquez also the Beta of this pack and dont go near me you fucking douchbag!!" she spoke." Who do you think you are talking to an Alpha like that?" I asked growling . "Danyeri Jaquez!" she growled in the most scariest growl i ever heard. They walked away and i saw two huge bulky boys come one with his arm around this girl i think thats his mate. "Hey im Rylan Smith My brother Ryder Smith and My mate Desire Talia dont go near her or i swear i will rip your balls off blend it and make you eat it !" He growled . I backed away.This will be interesting



After all the unpacking I walked up to Blaze and said "Training will start tomorrow 4:00 am sharp and will end at 12:00 am then we will have training again at night at 8:00 pm to 1:00 am and if anyone is late another hour will be added !" i warned. He opened his mouth then closed ot and informed the Pack

*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°°°**Next day°°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*'*°*°*°*°*°[°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°*°\

I woke up at 3:00 am took a shower and got ready . I changed into a blood red sports bra and black and red basket ball shorts with my black running shoes. I walked downstairs to see Rylan and Ryder shirtless and with black basketball shorts. Desire was next to her mate in a black sports bra and white basket ball shorts and shoeless like always. Danyeri was wearing a purple sports bra with black baketball shorts also shoeless. Brittani had a blue sports bra and blue basketball shorts. The rest of the pack were dressed except for Samantha she wore a tight red shirt that made her boobs like they were going to explode and black very and i mean VERY tight short shorts and sh had heels on . I shook my head " Shift into wolf form EVERYBODY!!" I screamed in my Alpha voice everyone shifted me and my family all looked the same but we were bigger and had sharper teeth we all stood next to each other and watched as the Forever Green pack shook in fear. I smirked and said in wolf "Everyone me and my family are going to race you and your pack got that? No cheating or anything !" i spoke. The shook there heads. "Ready ............set...........................GO!" Me and my pack went speeding off we started to jog while the other pack were running and they were as fast as us jogging . My pack Looked at each other nodded and went full spead in about 12 seconds later we were already at the finish line and back to the pack house. The other pack came back about 20 minutes later and they all shifted behind a tree and put on there clothes as we did the same. "Ok who wants to challenge me" I spoke up . "I will " Samantha the slut spoke. I nodded . She swung at me , i blocked it and kicked her right in her stomach knocking the air out of her . "Thats not fair im the strongest fighter!" samantha whined. "Ok everyone shift into your wolf form i will take you all together in human form!" I ordered. They did as told. I first ran up to blaze grabbed his neck and swung him at a tree he was knocked out . I punched Samantha in the nose grabbed her paw and flipped her over while kneeing her in the stomach. I did the rest of the pack and they were all down. They shifted back and i made them do 300 push ups , 500 pull ups , and 200 curl ups, then i made them run 30 miles since Samantha kept on whining she was tired. They were really out of shape. After practice i yelled "You guys are lucky we are going easy on you guys!" Danyeri yelled while Brittani piggy backed her. They laughed and then started to do 2,500 push ups with the rest of the crew, she did 6,000 pull ups, and 3,000 curl ups, then they ran 100 miles in human form then 300 miles in wolf form. By the time they were done the Forever Green pack were gocking at them " And that was only medium!" I yelled while drinking water . I changed out of my training close took a shower an put on Black short shorts, a domo crop top that hung loose at my stomach but only a little bit tight at my chest area and i put on the Jordan Cheetah 13's, combed my hair and went downstairs to cook with the twins and Desire, while Ryder and Rylan stay upstairs with the AC and playing the new Xbox 1 you see us Werewolves get stuff first then any living creature even the Vampires.This was a long day. Imagine Later in Practice .





Ryan: Arent you going to give them the spoiler alert how Br-

Me: *tackels her * shhhhh it suppose to be a secret

Ryder:But we figure out that Bri-

Brittani: I do what now?

Me: Why do you think its you?

Brittani: I read the script

Me: Thats it you guys are getting tied up

*ties up Brittani, Danyeri, Ryder, Ryan , Desire, And Rylan together on chairs*


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